Maximum Impact for Your Brand

  • Interview to be conducted at the show and pushed out to I-Connect007 reader community and social media followers
  • Static ad rotating through the I-Connect007 booth monitor wall
  • Banner ad in I-Connect007 Daily Newsletter or SMT007 Week pending preference and availability (3 insertions)
  • Full-page ad in PCB007 Magazine or SMT007 Magazine (3 consecutive issues)
  • Text and graphic ad in the 2024 IPC APEX EXPO Exhibitor Product Showcase email.

Extended show floor coverage!

Is your company displaying a new product or announcing a new service at the show? Do you have a top-selling or unique product or technology you would like to promote and highlight at the show? Your custom-designed message can be shown on a display board in the Exhibitor Product Showcase Corridor to maximize your exposure and to expand your brand.