
Flexible Circuit Technology, 4th Edition

by: Joseph Fjelstad

Flexible Circuit Technology, 4th Edition provides the basic knowledge required to design, manufacture and use flexible circuits while avoiding many of the potential problems that may be encountered by those who attempt to learn from their own experiences. Previous editions of the book have proved a valuable resource for those new to the technology and have served as a quick reference for those with a working knowledge of flexible circuits and their applications.

Flexible circuit technology is squarely in the sights of circuit designers around the globe and is a key enabling technology for products ranging from simple consumer goods to extraterrestrial spacecraft. It is also opening new doors in the realm of high speed signal managements where higher performance is demanded while reduced power is required for products that are redefining and reshaping our collective thoughts about the possibilities in the world of electronic products.

This edition is significantly expanded over the 3rd Edition and subsequent Addendum, with additional chapters and content contributed by some of the industry’s best technologists. The book brings deserved attention to continuing advances in technology, provides more depth and detail than before and, for the first time, offers chapters on printed electronics and stretchable circuits (AKA elastronics), which are areas of high interest for present and future growth.

Joseph Fjelstad

Joe Fjelstad is a 45-year veteran of the electronic interconnection industry and serial entrepreneur. He is also founder and president of Verdant Electronics, Inc. The company focused on the development of lower cost, more environmentally friendly and more reliable electronic products to meet the needs of both the most advanced products, as well as products for the world’s most disadvantaged peoples. A globally recognized author or coauthor of several books on electronic interconnection technologies, including Flexible Circuit Technology, 4th Edition; Chip Scale Packaging for Modern Electronics; and An Engineer's Guide to Flexible Circuits. He is also a magazine columnist and commentator, educator and innovator in the field of electronic interconnection and packaging technologies. A frequent keynote speaker at conferences around the world, Mr. Fjelstad has been the recipient of a number of industry and corporate awards over his career. As an innovator, he holds more than 180 issued U.S. patents and numerous international patents issued or pending.

Chapter Summaries

  • Flexible Circuit Technology Overview

    Chapter 1 outlines the objectives and scope of the book. It defines flexible circuits in general terms and in terms of its static and dynamic applications.