AEMS: Expanding Del Mar’s Vibe into Anaheim

October 21, 2024 | Andy Shaughnessy, Design007 Magazine

In the final hours of the Anaheim Electronics & Manufacturing Show (AEMS), I spoke with show managers Doug Bodenstab and Connor Good. Doug, a longtime surfer, is also the founder and manager of the Del Mar Electronics & Manufacturing Show at the Del Mar Fairgrounds. I asked Doug and Connor to discuss how the Anaheim show got started and the impact it’s making on the industry.

Dieter Weiss, Weiss Engineer/in4ma, has worked in the electronics industry in Germany, the United States, and the Republic of Ireland for 46 years. After a successful entrepreneurial career, he decided to give something back to the industry and started market research of the European EMS industry under the brand in4ma.


The Government Circuit: Support for Defense Spending Takes Top Priority

October 15, 2024 | Chris Mitchell, The Government Circuit

For those of us living in the world of politics and policy, the final few weeks before a major election are a little nerve-wracking. Who is going to win? How might the candidates’ campaign promises affect our industry and our...

SMT Perspectives and Prospects: The AI Era, Part 3: LLMs, SLMs, and Foundation Models

October 9, 2024 | Dr. Jennie Hwang, SMT Perspectives and Prospects

Since the introduction of ChatGPT on Nov. 30, 2022, and ChatGPT4 on March 14, 2023, large language models (LLMs) have been in everyday news and conversations. LLMs represent a significant advancement in AI, which has the potential to...

Punching Out: What Buyers Are Buying

October 8, 2024 | Tom Kastner, Punching Out!

I recently looked at completed deals in the North American PCB and EMS sectors over the past few years and spoke with several buyers who are active in the M&A market. According to my records, there were 31 deals in the North American...

‘Deepfake’ Components

October 2, 2024 | Nolan Johnson, Nolan's Notes

Folks in my age group tend to be the targets of text phishing, so when a friend recently shared a screenshot of a peculiar text conversation, it illustrated to me a growing trend in subterfuge. If you’re not familiar, these schemes...

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