ISBN: 978-1-7342005-2-2
Graham K. Naisbitt is a Freeman of the City of London, a Liveryman of The Worshipful Company of Marketors, and the recipient of the IEC Lord Kelvin 1906 Award. Graham began his career in 1969 at Socaltra, a French industrial engineering consortium. Later, he worked with French heavy-engineering giant Fives Group, and between 1979 and 1985, he served at Claudius Peters AG, a German subsidiary of Babcock International.
In 1979, the Naisbitt family created Concoat Ltd., to which Graham returned in 1985, making the logical step change from heavy engineering into the electronics industry as the U.K. distributor of HumiSeal. From 1979 to 2005, Concoat grew to become the manufacturing licensees of HumiSeal conformal coatings whilst also creating many of its own coating formulations.
Concoat began to develop conformal coating application equipment that extended to both in-line dip and spray coating systems in 1982. By 2002, Concoat acquired Multicore Solders SPCID (Soldering Process Instrumentation Division) from Henkel KGaA, thus expanding its equipment manufacturing division. Following the sale of Concoat to HumiSeal, Gen3 was created in 2005. Both of Graham’s sons have since joined the business as the third generation of the family.
With over 40 years in the electronics industry, Graham is a specialist in conformal coating, cleaning, SIR and CAF testing, electrochemical reliability issues, solderability, and process control matters; has authored over 100 technical papers; and given presentations around the world. He is also the current vice-chair of IPC 5-30 Cleaning and Coating Committee that embraces 15 test standard groups and a maintenance leader with IEC TC91 for SIR, CAF, ionic contamination testing, and solderability. Graham is chairman and CEO of Gen3, which continues to be a successful, family-controlled business.
Mike Cummings Technical Director
Mike Cummings has been in manufacturing-related industries for over 47 years. He started in radar system test at Ferranti Defence before moving into defect analysis for thin-film and thick-film and PCB fabrication. Mike was appointed by the Pentagon Certification Board as a Cat A MIL-STD-2000 senior [...]
Sr. Expert & Six Sigma Blackbelt, Dr. Lothar Henneken
Robert Bosch GmbH
Dr. Lothar Henneken studied chemistry and chemical engineering at the University of Paderborn, Germany, and the University of Waterloo, Canada, where he earned the following degrees: Dipl.-chem. and Dr. rer. nat. Staring in 1994, he worked for the iron and steel industry in Duesseldorf, Germany, [...]
Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1
The History of Contamination Testing
Chapter 2
Insulation Resistance Testing Using SIR and CAF Test Methods
Chapter 3
Process Control of Ionic Contamination Achieving Six Sigma Criteria