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Real Time with… IPC APEX EXPO 2024 Show & Tell
Welcome to Real Time With… IPC APEX EXPO Show & Tell Magazine, the exclusive review of the biggest electronics manufacturing trade show and technical conference in North America. As the electronics manufacturing industry geared up for IPC APEX EXPO 2024, we found ourselves echoing Walt Disney’s sentiment. This annual event was a captivating journey into the heart of innovation, collaboration, and cutting-edge technology.
Inside these pages you’ll find: trade show insights, the award winners’ spotlights, multiple pages of photo galleries from the show floor and beyond, and reviews of the technical sessions. Read about events, such as the Women in Electronics and the Emerging Engineers receptions. We also feature images from the ECWC Welcome reception, where representatives from each of ECWC’s member organizations toasted a glass to the future of electronics and the opportunity to be gathered at IPC APEX EXPO 2024.
Real Time with… IPC APEX EXPO 2023 Show & Tell
We are thrilled to announce the release of the 6th edition of Real Time with… IPC APEX EXPO 2023 Show & Tell Magazine, an exclusive, annual review of IPC’s trademark event. In this issue, you’ll find insightful articles, interviews with award winners, and reviews of the speakers, conferences, and courses.
(Re)live the experience through hundreds of high-quality images, hear from our technical experts, and watch videos that capture the flavor of the entire event.
We have enjoyed putting this issue together for you and hope you will enjoy it as well. Please share it with your colleagues and friends!
Real Time with… IPC APEX EXPO 2022 Show & Tell
Welcome to the 2022 edition of Real Time with... IPC APEX EXPO 2022 Show & Tell Magazine!
Inside the industry’s only publication dedicated to in-depth coverage of IPC APEX EXPO, readers will find compelling interviews with award winners, show notes from our technical staff, thoughts from emerging engineers, photos capturing the excitement of exhibitors and attendees to be back in person, and so much more.
We hope you enjoy and share this unique content with friends and colleagues.
Real Time with… IPC APEX EXPO 2021 Show & Tell
I-Connect007 is proud to announce the release of our special 2021 edition of Real Time with... IPC Show & Tell Magazine. This unique publication provides you with in-depth coverage of this year’s virtual IPC APEX EXPO 2021.
Inside you will find great interviews with award winners, show notes from our technical staff, thoughts from emerging engineers, and much more. You will also find a complete index of our Real Time with… IPC APEX EXPO 2021 audio and video interviews. Leaders from the electronics industry share the most current knowledge and resources on what matters most to you.
The magazine also has video highlights of award winners near and far, as well as I-Connect007’s own video salute to 35 years of covering the industry. We hope that you will find some unique perspectives in this year’s edition that you will share with your colleagues. And don't forget to download the PDF of this magazine to your digital library for further reference.
Real Time with… IPC APEX EXPO 2020 Show & Tell
Welcome to the third annual Real Time with… IPC APEX EXPO 2020 Show & Tell Magazine.
This special publication is a supplement to our other monthly magazines and brings you exclusive, in-depth coverage of the recent event. These pages are packed with tons of great content, including event photos, video interviews, attendees’ thoughts, reviews from our guest contributors and I-Connect007 editors, interviews with award winners and other industry experts, and coverage of another successful IPC STEM Student Outreach Program. If you couldn’t make it to San Diego, don’t worry. This edition of Show & Tell Magazine brings you coverage of the entire show, including “A Night of Happy-ness” with Happy Holden, I-Connect007’s Good for the Industry Award recipients, keynote presentation by Burt Rutan and Elaine Larsen, and much more.
Be sure to download the PDF to your digital library for further reference. Enjoy!
Real Time with... IPC APEX EXPO 2019 Show & Tell
Welcome to the second annual Real Time with… IPC APEX EXPO 2019 Show & Tell Magazine. This special publication is a supplement to our other monthly magazines and brings you exclusive, in-depth coverage of the recent event. In these 150+ pages you will discover tons of great content including multiple event photo galleries, video interviews, attendees’ thoughts, reviews from our guest contributors and I-Connect007 editors, interviews with award winners and other industry experts, and coverage of the successful IPC STEM Student Outreach program. If that’s not enough, you will also enjoy our coverage of the Hand Soldering and Rework World Championship, the two executive forums, and all of the excitement around CFX.
Show & Tell IPC APEX EXPO 2018
I-Connect007 proudly presents our NEW event coverage publication: Show & Tell Magazine. Packed with complete coverage of IPC APEX EXPO 2018, you will find plenty of show photos, video interviews, and other featured content, including:
- Exclusive interviews with the IPC Hall of Fame Inductee and IPC Award Winners
- A student photographer showcase from our photo contest participants
- Video highlights from our Real Time with… IPC APEX EXPO show floor studio
- Insight from our Q&A with attendees and industry professionals
- Expert opinions from our columnists on the show and its various events
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