
October 2024

Alternate Metallization Processes

Traditional electroless copper and electroless copper immersion gold have been primary PCB plating methods for decades. But alternative plating metals and processes have been introduced over the past few years as miniaturization and advanced packaging continue to develop.

September 2024

Technology Roadmaps

In this issue of PCB007 Magazine, we discuss technology roadmaps and what they mean for our businesses, providing context to the all-important question: What is my company’s technology roadmap?

August 2024

Wet Process Control

In this issue, we examine wet processes and how to obtain a better degree of control that allows usable data to guide our decisions and produce consistently higher-quality products.

July 2024

Don’t Just Survive, Thrive

If we are to be relevant and prosper during these next critical decades in electronics, we must do more than survive. As an industry, we can and must thrive. In this issue, our contributors explore these concepts meant to help you take your business to the next level.

June 2024

Material Matters

Materials management is nuanced, multifaceted, and requires a holistic systems approach for business success. When building high mix, low volume, and high technology,  managing materials and overall cost containment are even greater challenges.

May 2024

Additive Manufacturing

In this month’s issue, we explore additive manufacturing technology for the PCB fabricator: where it stands today, the true benefits, and where it seems to be headed.

April 2024

The Growing Industry

In this issue of PCB007 Magazine, we talk with leading economic experts, advocacy specialists in Washington, D.C., and PCB company leadership to get a well-rounded picture of what’s happening in the industry today. Don’t miss it. 

March 2024

The Sustainability Issue

Sustainability is one of the most widely used terms in business today, especially for electronics and manufacturing but what does it mean to you? We explore the environmental, business, and economic impacts.

February 2024

The Fabricator’s Guide to IPC APEX EXPO

This issue previews many of the important events taking place at this year's show and highlights some changes and opportunities. So, buckle up. We are counting down to IPC APEX EXPO 2024.

January 2024

Getting to Know Your Designer

In this issue, we examine how fabs work with their design customers, educating them on the critical elements of fabrication needed to be successful, as well as the many tradeoffs involved. How well do you really know your customer? What makes for a closer, more synchronized working relationship?

December 2023

Economic Headwinds

In this issue, the biggest names in PCB manufacturing share their economic outlook for the upcoming year and beyond. As you will see, they were all bullish on our industry, but there was some apprehension as well. No one wants to get burned by another the supply chain disruption.

November 2023

The Registration Sweet Spot

Registration is underrated and underappreciated. The key is to ensure proper registration from layer to layer across the entire printed circuit board. It’s a holistic process requiring anticipation, prediction, precise attention at each step, and detailed data tracking and monitoring.

October 2023

High-reliability Fabrication

In this month’s issue, our expert contributors discuss the latest in technologies, trends, complexities and resources regarding high-reliability fabrication.

September 2023

Finding Ultra

New demands on PCB fabrication, namely advanced packaging, ultra high density interconnect (UHDI), and new specialty materials, are converging, changing the landscape of our business. Is it time to start paying close attention to this convergence? 

August 2023

Developing a Strategy

A solid strategy is a critical part of success. This month, we asked some of the top industry leaders and business strategy “gurus” to share their thoughts on developing strategies.

July 2023

Winning With TQM

In this issue, we explore how TQM has entered the DNA of continuous improvement disciplines, and the role leadership transformation plays in this. If you've ever competed against a TQM company, you understand their winning advantage.

June 2023

Growing Your Workforce

In this issue, we explain how to plant the seeds to grow your workforce. Our expert contributors discuss current trends in hiring, including what the next generation wants in a career.

May 2023

Customer Service

Your true impression of a company comes down to your own personal experience. It comes down to customer service. We all like to think we’ve got customer service mastered, but do we really? In this issue, we look at customer service for what it is: an achievable goal.

April 2023

Onboarding: Ready, Set Go!

Today’s labor shortage means onboarding processes need revamping to avoid staff turnover. In this issue, our contributors provide a set of best practices for successful onboarding of new hires with methodologies to achieve a happy, long-term staff.

March 2023

Points of View

We’re three months into 2023 and wrapping up our first quarter. So, as a PCB fabricator, what’s on your mind? Is it time to assess, and perhaps reassess, your expectations for the year and whether your reality is meeting your predictions? What are the obstacles to your business right now?

February 2023

Amp Up Your Business

It’s time to amp up your business with your newfound knowledge. In this issue, our expert contributors provide methodologies for you to create your own post-show plan of action and identify the important points to consider within that plan.

January 2023

The Advanced Move

In this issue, we open the discussion about how advanced packaging will change the structure of the PCB fabrication industry. Are there strategic opportunities–new directions in which to shift your business–in this new space?

December 2022

IPC APEX EXPO 2023 Preshow Issue

In this month’s issue of PCB007 Magazine, we bring you a preview of IPC APEX EXPO 2023 with articles and interviews from show organizers, committee leaders, and instructors. We even have one article designed to help you justify to your manager why you need to attend this show.

November 2022

An Eye on UHDI

Even as HDI finally moves into the mainstream, UHDI is following right behind. In this issue, we launch the conversation into the strategic value of UHDI technology on the future of the PCB industry.

October 2022

Focus on Imaging

There are many variables to deal with in imaging, making best practices of solid data collection and analysis a must. Our experts discuss ways for the readers to fine-tune their imaging process by understanding how etching, plating, and imaging all work together.

September 2022

A New Era in Manufacturing

In this issue, we explore ideas for mechanization/automation of your existing facility. This theme seems to suggest a major concentration on manufacturing floor details, or new capital equipment and line design topics. As you’ll learn, it’s much more than that.

August 2022

Board Pricing Strategies

If you are a fabricator, these are challenging days. But there are also plenty of opportunities available—if you know when to embrace them. This is a good time to analyze your pricing strategies.

July 2022

Time to Invest?

After years of being squeezed by supply chain dynamics, printed circuit board manufacturing is once again growing across the globe. This begs the question: Is now a good time to invest in PCB fab?

June 2022

The Plating Issue

This month, our contributors share a variety of strategies for optimizing plating processes to carry fabricators of today into the future. We also take a look at current trends in plating equipment, processes and chemicals, as well as challenges and opportunities for improvement.

May 2022

Golden ROI Opportunities

Fabricators need to handle an ever-widening variety of materials and processes, with fewer skilled workers, at a higher level of quality, and without sacrificing turn times. But where to start in updating your capabilities? In this issue we explore potential ROI "golden opportunities” to achieve a quick return on your investment.

April 2022

Upskilling in Your Game of Life

Upskilling in today’s market is more than a fancy-sounding idea. It’s imperative. PCB fabricators must look at supporting their workforce or face dire consequences. This issue provides a framework for what fabs are up against, clear options for continuing education, and ways to fill some of the most common gaps.

March 2022

Materials & Technology

Now more than ever, material performance, availability and pricing are key factors in the specification of materials in the design phase. This month we explore how new technology is driving materials R&D which in turn drives technology to innovate.

February 2022

Do the Numbers Add(itive) Up?

Is additive a disruptive PCB technology? Will it displace tried-but-true subtractive etch technology, or is it merely another tool to have in our toolbox? What does a PCB designer have to do differently? Do EDA tools support it? 

January 2022

The European Influence

Europe is a big market with a great deal of innovation underway in PCB fabrication and assembly and the region continues to be a ripe incubator for new processes, materials, equipment, and automation solutions. We start off the new year by focusing on the European market.

December 2021

IPC APEX EXPO Preview Issue

In this issue we provide you with a preview of what you can expect in San Diego. We have interviews with fabricators and suppliers who are exhibiting and presenting classes at IPC APEX EXPO. We also bring you columns and articles by our regular contributors.

November 2021

Test and Inspection

With new inspection technologies and methods, along with AI and advancing data collection, fabricators have new options to consider in their inspection practices. In this issue we look at how new capabilities drive on-floor best practices, and how new best practices are influencing equipment design.

October 2021

The CapEx Issue

We started out planning this issue with one central question in mind: What are the best CapEx strategies for PCB fabricators? Are your plans guided by your need to add capacity, or do you want to up your technology game so you can expand into new markets?

September 2021

Streamlining the Process

When it comes to overall business health and efficiency, a central activity is streamlining processes. While there is no one roadmap for every organization, the end goal is the same. How do you structure—and simplify—your own optimized business operations? 

August 2021

DFM: From a Fabricator Point of View

This month, we asked a variety of contributors to flip DFM around. What does DFM mean from the point of view of the fabricator? Should PCB fabricators share more information about their technology capabilities? What are the fabricators’ responsibilities in this delicate dance? 

July 2021

Inflation—Supply and Demand

As the world emerges from pandemic disruptions, we find that market balances have changed. In this issue we look at the conditions that are shifting supply lines as well as product costs.

June 2021

Just Ask...

This month, with our “Just Ask…” issue, we bring in the experts. We opened a virtual Q&A session where you asked the questions, and we lined up the experts to answer them. Questions range from global and strategic, to tactical and technical.

May 2021

Operational Excellence

In this issue, we share strategies and techniques for optimizing your manufacturing process, from the business plan to implementation throughout your entire business flow. This includes strategies for training your team and working with your suppliers and customers.

April 2021

Focus on Manufacturing

Here in the U.S, there is a push to reinvigorate our manufacturing infrastructure. In this issue, we investigate critical changes, upgrades, and investments needed to strengthen your business: manufacturing, technical, business, and sales.

March 2021

The Future of PCBs in Transportation

Transportation applications will be an active area of innovation in the coming years, as development continues in miniaturization, power management, environmental robustness and infrastructure. Strap in while we explore PCBs in transportation.

February 2021

Get Smart About Your Processes

In this issue, we preview the program and schedules for the upcoming virtual IPC APEX EXPO, as well as continue our exploration of “X = Xc ­– 1” continuous improvement by getting smart about process efficiencies.

January 2021

Continuous Improvement

As we start the new year—what we are calling the year of continuous improvement—it's good to begin with this simple process improvement formula: X = Xc – 1.

December 2020

Hiring and Training

In this issue, we consider the perspective of the employer, the seasoned technical professional, and the new-hire engineer. How do these three groups best combine to fill the skills gap that our industry faces?

November 2020

Vias and Plating

Higher speeds and smaller densities increasingly require different materials, there are smaller fabrication dimensions, and higher aspect ratios in multilayers force the specialization of plating chemistries, too. How does a fabricator choose new chemistry?

October 2020

Roadmaps: Into the Future

I-Connect007 has been exploring the effect of roadmaps on business planning and operations. We conclude our three-part coverage of the IEEE Heterogenous Integration Roadmap and we explore roadmapping as a tactical tool, not only a long-range strategic plan.

September 2020

The Four Pillars of Manufacturing

For this issue, we identified four manufacturing pillars: revenue, supply chain, workforce, and technology, we examine how these four pillars as strategies affect the manufacturing floor.

August 2020


Leadership is the foundation of a successful business. There's an art/philosophy to it, but there's also a science/method to leadership. In this issue, we explore both sides of leadership and its impact in the electronics industry and beyond.

July 2020

Rethinking Manufacturing

During the COVID-19 outbreak, market dynamics may be changing the calculus on regional and captive fabrication and capital investment. Businesses throughout the industry are rethinking their manufacturing, cybersecurity, and supply chain strategies.

June 2020

Are We Back to TQM?

All of the 12 people on the front cover this month’s issue were influential in promoting total quality management. In this issue, we discuss TQM as a means to manage change and continuous improvement in your business.

May 2020

What Are Your Priorities Now?

In the blink of an eye, priorities can change. In January 2020, the industry was enjoying a sustained growth path, but that was a very different 2020 than the one we live in today. In this issue, we explore how priorities have changed.

April 2020

The Impact of COVID-19

The electronics manufacturing industry moves to the center of the response to a viral threat while individuals find new ways to work safely. This issue of PCB007 Magazine brings you select news and updates on how our industry is responding and contributing to this fight.

March 2020

Profitability Is a Choice

Today, there are still opportunities left in the PCB fabrication business to regain profit margin—some large and systemic, others small and incremental. One must make the choice to think differently about the business–and processes–to restore profitability.

February 2020

Digital Factory Benefits

There need to be benefits to any change—and transforming the manufacturing floor into a digital factory is a big change indeed! Learn some of the advantages that can be realized as new Industry 4.0 capabilities become available.

January 2020

IPC APEX EXPO 2020 Preview

It's IPC APEX EXPO time again and we’re excited to bring the highlights you can expect to see while in San Diego. In this issue, hear from IPC team members Brook Sandy-Smith, Randy Cherry and Chris Mitchell as they weigh in with their insights on what to expect at this year’s show.

December 2019

What You Need to Know

What we learned as we put this issue together is that there's a lot you need to know as a printed circuit fabrication professional. We bring you some selected categories of critical PCB fabrication expertise.

November 2019

From My Perspective

In this issue, we update your prescription, clarify your vision of the industry, and bring your own perspective into view with a variety of interviews, columns and articles. Polish up your reading glasses and examine the stories inside.

October 2019

The Changing Landscape

This issue considers the current, ever-changing landscape of our industry, from global economics to emerging technologies and processes that may change how the manufacturing floor operates. With automotive electronics leading us down the road, don't find yourself asleep at the wheel.

September 2019

Industry Standards

The process of reaching agreements when creating standards can be a long, arduous road to travel. In this issue, we report on recent developments in current and emerging standards and take a step back to discuss some of the inherent strengths and weaknesses of standards processes.

August 2019

Wet Processing

In this issue, we explore the processes and chemistries that make up traditional subtractive etch and plate. We also investigate the confluence of smaller dimensions, reduced pollution, higher throughput, and improved reliability...

July 2019


Our industry is embarking on a new age of technical development to achieve much higher levels of overall reliability that will be required of the devices we fabricate.

June 2019

Everything Starts With Design

The design team’s files and the accompanying documentation is the real-world implementation plan to turn the OEM’s concepts and marketing research into a viable, physical, competitive product, this is where it all starts!

May 2019


How do current materials stack up? We find out. First, we lay down some high-level perspective on materials, megatrends in materials, and economic forces at play in the market. Then, we layer in specifics with materials manufacturers in this our materials issue.

April 2019

New Talent in the PCB Industry

As the electronics industry works to overcome an impending staffing and skills shortage, it will be the youth who will rise to the challenge, build on the work of the current industry experts, and move technology into a higher orbit.

March 2019

Smart Factories

The acceptance of smart factories is a global movement across multiple industries. In electronics manufacturing specifically, China seems to be a key leader in the move to Industry 4.0.

February 2019

Selling Strategies With Focus

Things are changing in our industry, so is it any surprise that how you sell your services is changing too? If your sales approach seems out of focus, then join us as we look at some successful PCB selling and marketing strategies.

January 2019

Supply Chain: The Ripple Effect

Understanding the ripple effects in the electronics supply chain will be key to manage the supply chain crisis and keep your fabrication facility running smoothly.

December 2018

IPC APEX EXPO 2019 Preview

In this issue, we provide a preview of the upcoming IPC APEX EXPO 2019 events, exhibitions, new technologies, awards, competitions, and standards work. So, relax and make your travel plans as we give you the big reveal!

November 2018

Medical Technologies

Of the driving forces in the PCB manufacturing marketplace today, one major contributor is medical device technology as it influences materials, components, manufacturing techniques, and procurement. In this issue, we investigate innovations surrounding the medical sector.

October 2018

GreenSource Fabrication: Redefining Automation

GreenSource Fabrication, a New Hampshire division of Whelen Engineering, is rolling out an expanded facility that can claim to be the most advanced automated PCB facility in North America. It’s also zero waste and zero effluent.

September 2018


PCBs are approaching semiconductors with regard to feature sizes. Our experts this month are helping us understand substrate-like PCBs (SLP) and the semi-additive processes  that will help the industry achieve the seemingly impossible.

August 2018


Has the definition of reliability changed, and if so, why? What is driving this change? Reliability is critical, and the industry wants to deliver. This month, our experts provide their perspective on the evolution of reliability across sectors.

July 2018

Solder Mask

With all the elements that can now affect the solder mask—finer features, higher-temperature solders, final finishes, direct imaging, inkjet—it’s high time to give this final fabrication process a little more attention.

June 2018

Wet Processing Trends 2018

Much like the ubiquitous rubber ducky, it seems that PCB manufacturing has not changed much through the decades, but what has changed is the required precision of those steps to achieve ever finer features at ever higher quality and reliability.

May 2018

Connecting at the Speed of 5G

What truly defines 5G, as compared to 4G and 3G? As the children say on road trips, are we there yet? Find out what is here, and what’s on the horizon for the industry and the world when it comes to the dawn of the 5G era.

April 2018

Automotive Electronics... and More!

From autonomous vehicles to e-textiles to automotive standards, our contributors take a look under the hood and kick the tires this month to bring the rapidly evolving world of automotive electronics into perspective. 

March 2018

New Technology

No doubt, new technology seems to be launching daily, from inspection systems to photoresist processes. How can we keep up? How can we even maintain? What’s coming next  next and how can we best prepare, to stay in the game?

February 2018

Who is YOUR Customer?

Who is your customer? Isn’t it more than that person who buys something from you or your company? After all, aren’t the tables turned when you request something from that “customer?” Aren’t you then the customer? Find out what our experts think this month. The answers may surprise you!

January 2018

New Equipment

As equipment gets more sophisticated and costly, determining equipment needs has become far more complicated. Choosing wisely--and correctly anticipating your and the market’s needs--has never been more critical.

December 2017

Thermal Management

Increasing consumer demands for high-performance and the need for high-reliability in sectors such as automotive, LED lighting, and renewable energy mean that thermal management is now front and center on the priority list for PCB manufacturing.

November 2017

HDI: Today, Tomorrow and the Future

This month, we cover the wide-ranging topic of HDI: from the latest technology developments and manufacturing challenges, to HDI strategies that include design, fabrication, and assembly perspectives.

October 2017

Current Trends in Signal Integrity

As board features get smaller, as speeds get faster, and as more is expected from everyone in the supply chain, signal integrity should have everyone’s attention. This month, our experts explain why.

September 2017

Process Engineering

This month, we’re revisiting process engineering from the perspective of industry veterans with direct experience and who know what they’re talking about. Read what it’s all about, discover new techniques, gain fresh insights, and learn true appreciation for process engineeers, the backbone of PCB manufacturing.

August 2017

Process Step Elimination & Automation

Exactly what defines process step elimination and/or automation? So many possibilities! Does it include reducing the number of steps in manufacturing a PCB? Eliminating queue times, inspection or cleaning steps?

July 2017

Military & Aerospace

The present and future challenges of mil/aero electronics are covered from A to Zentech this month, from the DoD budget to the new cyber-security regulations, and of course, reliability issues, it’s all included.

June 2017

Embedded Components

Embedded technology seems finally to be coming into its own—thanks to Moore’s Law and the ever-pressing need for more real estate on the circuit board surface. No longer just for the odd, expensive military product, buried components can be found truly all around us!


May 2017

Help is Wanted

Everyone is talking about the graying of our industry and the lack of qualified applicants for jobs, ranging from manufacturing personnel to engineers and even management. Who will take over when we retire?

April 2017

High-Speed Materials

Do we really need more speed in our connections? If we want autonomous cars, intelligent robotics, extended IoT, then we must press forward with the development of high-speed materials. Our contributors this month examine our industry’s need for speed.

March 2017

The Wide World of Flex

This month, we’re talking flexible circuits, including  all the variations of same, which is why we’re calling this issue “The Wide World of Flex.” The world of flex  is broad—and it’s rapidly getting wider!

February 2017

New Technologies

As technology moves increasingly faster, so do our equipment, materials and chemistry suppliers to help us to enable that next greatest invention. Are you ready for the next thing, to keep pushing forward? This month, our contributors shed a little light on that path forward. Meet the future!

January 2017

Plating and Surface Finishes

This month, our experts weigh in on new processes, the tried-and-true old processes, R&D, and how to go about choosing the right process from among all those available today.

December 2016

Sales & Marketing

Our feature contributors have plenty to say this month, including thought-provoking ideas and unique perspectives they’ve accumulated in the quest for successful sales and marketing strategies. We open this issue with results of our monthly survey on the topic at hand, and a breakdown of the responses.

November 2016

Vias and More Vias!

Blind, buried, landless…IPC defines no less than seven type of vias. This month, our experts shed light on the many different types of vias, their functions, and the various challenges associated with them.

October 2016


Everyone has the chance to benefit from the wealth of experiences our contributors—leaders in the industry—are sharing this month, from real-world examples of leadership, to principles that have stood the test of time.

September 2016

Military and Aerospace

Participating in the military and aerospace industries is not for the faint of heart, nor for those lacking persistence or looking for the quick project or sale. Our feature contributors this month, which include several of our regular columnists, provide valuable insight on the mil/aero market and what is required to be in the game.

August 2016

Voices of the Industry

Welcome to this month’s topic—Voices of the Industry—otherwise known as YOU! We’ve surveyed readers, including engineers, fabricators, technologists, CEOs, and others... to find out exactly what’s on their mind when it comes to today’s electronics manufacturing industry.

July 2016

Inspection and Test

There’s more to test and inspection than the latest and greatest AOI and electrical test equipment. This month, feature contributors from Orbotech, Gardien Services, Uyemura, and more, examine various testing methods that go into ensuring great product.

June 2016

Fine Features

Fine features are the topic this month, and our industry experts are on hand to discuss issues ranging from landless vias to laser direct imaging and high throw electroless copper for very small holes and blind vias.

May 2016

Strategies to Reduce Handling Errors

Handling and people-related mistakes and defects are always a concern in manufacturing. What's the answer? Is it automation? A little of both?

April 2016

Process Engineering and Troubleshooting

Process engineers (and PE types) are the worker bees of the industry. Our experts this month bring first-hand knowledge of the phenomenon known as process engineering.

July 2013

New Interconnects

This month, The PCB Magazine looks to the horizon at new and emerging interconnects, with features by BPA and Ormet, along with a comprehensive collaboration between nScrypt and the University of Texas, El Paso. 

August 2013

Standards and Regulations

Navigating the industry’s standards and regulations can be a lot like sur?ng a killer wave: One misstep and you could wipe out!

September 2013

Flex and Rigid-flex

This month, The PCB Magazine presents the many sides of ?ex and rigid-?ex circuits, which have  myriad applications in just about every sector of the electronics industry.

October 2013

Automotive and Transportation

Our features this month question whether or not PCB manufacturers should even pursue the automotive electronics market due to design challenges.

November 2013

Military and Aerospace

We demystify the often complex world of military electronics and DoD spending, demonstrate the utility of applications engineering to design and manufacturing of PCBs and explore the intersection of unmanned vehicles and electronics technology.

March 2016

Increasing Profit

In this highly competitive industry of ours, where material costs squeeze from one side, and customers squeeze from the other, what is the answer to increasing profits? This month, our contributors offer strategies that we think will both surprise and enlighten!

February 2016

What's New in PCB Fabrication?

We’ve covered it from top to bottom this month—what’s brand new in the world of PCB fabrication and what’s on the horizon for our industry.

January 2016

Medical Electronics

We’re providing a thorough work-up for our readers this month, with features that diagnose the current state of the medical electronics segment. From robots and wearables to novel developments in gold metallization processes for neural probes, we’ve got head-to-toe coverage.

December 2015

Associations: The Global Connection

Our final issue of 2015 is a view into various global associations that help our industry function and thrive. In their own words, top executives from around the world are on hand to provide an insider’s perspective of the who, what, where, when and why of their organizations.

December 2013

The (PCB) World According to Our Columnists

This month, our feature columnists are explor-ing their various areas of expertise in the PCB industry by taking a look back, and forward, to where the industry is headed both domestically and globally.

November 2015

The Data Factor(y): The Power of Data

Feature articles this month explore and explain why data is important, how to gather it (Internet of Things, for starters), and what exactly you can do with it once you’ve got it.

October 2015

Cycle Time Reduction

This month we are paying attention to cycle time and the many ways to reduce it in your process—whatever your process may be. From automation to value stream mapping to lean six-sigma, our contributors have it covered.

September 2015

Cars: A Driving Force in the Electronics Industry

Electronics in automobiles is increasing exponentially. We get under the hood and examine the proliferation of electronics in cars, what it’s like to be a supplier of PCBs destined for the automotive market, and where it is headed.

August 2015

The War on Process Failure

This month, we take on failure, and a few industry experts are on hand to back us up! Topics range from the power of systems when combating failure and how supplier improvement drives product improve-ment, to avoiding circuit failure in high-rel applications and the copper plating process.

July 2015

Supply Chain Management

This month, The PCB Magazine takes an in-depth view of the supply chain—from various approaches to making it work for you, to what history has shown about its many iterations, and how some suppliers are setting the bar very high for the future of supply chain management.

June 2015

Flexible, Stretchable and Wearable

This month, a comprehensive view of the scope of flex circuit technology is presented in features from OM Group, Multek, DuPont, ESI, and more.

May 2015

Plating & Etching

This month, features from Michael Carano, (Carano & Associates), a team from Dow Chemicals Company, and George Milad (Uyemura) share their perspectives on plating and etching issues.

April 2015

HDI: High-Density Interconnects

This month, HDI gets the scrutiny of industrial professionals from TTM Technologies, Multek, and Gardien Services, who discuss the challenges of ultra-thin HDI PCB manufacturing, and how HDI relates to the Internet of Things (IoT) and substrate test fixtures.

March 2015


This month, feature contributors from Isola, Ventec, OMG and Spirit Circuits examine the range of materials for multiple applications, including flame retardancy, high-speed designs, reliability testing and LED applications.

February 2015

Surface Finishes

This month, industry experts from OMG Electronic Chemicals, Uyemura, Atotech and the University of Leicester are on hand to dive deep into surface finishes, from OSPs for mixed-metal finishes to cutting-edge high-reliability surface finishes.

January 2015

3D Printing & Structural Electronics

3D printing is happening, and it’s happening fast. What does this mean for PCB manufacturing and structural electronics? Find out this month in The PCB Magazine!

December 2014

Outlook for 2015

The December issue is our end of year wrap up with an eye on 2015: What's on the horizon for the fab industry, at home and abroad?

November 2014

Medical Electronics

This month, industry experts from Starfish Medical, Dyconex AG, Micro Systems Tech., & Nypro discuss the latest progress in medical applications for PCBs.

October 2014

End Markets for PCBs

This month: end markets for PCBs! From the future of the domestic mil/aero market (looking good!) to wearables, automobiles, very thin PCBs for smartphones, and more!

September 2014

New Concepts and Emerging Technologies for PCB Fabrication

LPKF, Optomec and Transline Technology explore up and coming technologies for PCB fabrication, layout and more.

August 2014

Printed Electronics

What is the story with printed electronics? Where have they been and where are they going? Most importantly, how are they being used in today’s market?

July 2014

Embedded Components

This month, The PCB Magazine feature contributors take an in-depth look at embedded components, including our cover story by EIPC’s Michael Weinhold:Device Embedding in PCBs: Evolution or Revolution

June 2014

Flex Circuitry

This month, The PCB Magazine features industry experts who discuss all things flex: from substrates to hybrid stretchable circuits to 3D packaging tools and more! Don’t miss it!

May 2014

Plating and Etching

This month, we bring you a line-up of experts who explore both common and unique plating & etching issues, techniques and challenges.

April 2014


This month, the realm of HDI is explored, with features that delve into the issue of high-layer count multilayers, reliability, pinless registration & even bridging the divide between design & fabrication. Plus: IPC APEX EXPO show coverage!

March 2014


It’s March materials madness in The PCB Magazine, with comprehensive coverage of materials, including features from leading experts at  Ventec, Celestica, FTG, Rogers, Isolaand an IPC APEX EXPO pre-show guide!

February 2014


This month, The PCB Magazine brings the ins and outs of CAD/CAM especially for fabricators to the forefront with feature articles from the industry’s top experts.

January 2014

Surface Finishes

This month, The PCB Magazine brings surface finishes to the forefront with feature articles from the industry’s top experts. Plus, special content from productronica 2013!

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