
October 2024

Counterfeit Concerns

The distribution of counterfeit parts has become much more sophisticated in the past decade, and there's no reason to believe that trend is going to be stopping any time soon. What might crop up in the near future?

September 2024

Solder Printing

In this issue, we turn a discerning eye to solder paste printing. As apertures shrink, and the requirement for multiple thicknesses of paste on the same board becomes more commonplace, consistently and accurately applying paste becomes ever more challenging.

August 2024

A Culture of Thriving

One cannot simply command thriving; it must be nurtured, developed, and encouraged. In this issue, we explore strategies to improve your working relationship model—both internally and externally. In this culture of thriving, your business will grow in the process.

July 2024


Certifications have historically been seen as a cost of doing business, but how do we turn them into a positive ROI and a value to both customer and vendor?

June 2024

The Butterfly Effect

The basis of chaos theory is a key concept known as the “butterfly effect.” It’s the idea that a small event in one place creates a cascading set of events elsewhere. So, how is the EMS landscape changing? We’re tracking the concerns and dynamics of this landscape, and there’s a lot to learn.

May 2024

Coming to Terms With AI

In this issue, we examine the profound effect artificial intelligence and machine learning are having on manufacturing and business processes. We follow technology, innovation, and money as automation becomes the new key indicator of growth in our industry.

April 2024

Box Build

One trend is to add box build and final assembly to your product offering. In this issue, we explore the opportunities and risks of adding system assembly to your service portfolio.

March 2024

IPC APEX EXPO 2024 Pre-show

This month’s issue devotes its pages to a comprehensive preview of the IPC APEX EXPO 2024 event. Whether your role is technical or business, if you're new-to-the-industry or seasoned veteran, you'll find value throughout this program.

February 2024

Boost Your Sales

Every part of your business can be evaluated as a process, including your sales funnel. Optimizing your selling process requires a coordinated effort between marketing and sales. In this issue, industry experts in marketing and sales offer their best advice on how to boost your sales efforts.  

January 2024

The Cost of Rework

In this issue, we investigate rework's current state of the art. What are the root causes and how are they resolved? What is the financial impact of rework, and is it possible to eliminate it entirely without sacrificing your yields?

December 2023

Economic Headwinds

This issue takes stock of the current economic outlook and how companies are using current conditions to move themselves through technological evolutions, workforce shifts, and financial changes. Even with these headwinds, there’s forward progress to be made.

November 2023

Attracting New Talent

To get different results in staffing, you must change how you define, promote and recruit your job opportunities. How do you become magnetic to high-quality early-career candidates?

October 2023

Test and Inspection

Test and inspection methods are undergoing rapid change. In this issue, we consider the influence of AOI, AI, and human eyes. How exactly are these pieces of the puzzle changing the role of test and inspection?

September 2023

Chips Don't Float

In Europe and the U.S., legislation is under way to revitalize PCB fabrication and packaging. What is the status of this work, and how specifically does this change the industry landscape for EMS companies? What will help keep us afloat?

August 2023

Flying High With Digital Twin

The opportunity to use manufacturing simulation as a test bed for job planning and process optimization brings continuous improvement into the modern age. This may be an all-or-nothing type of project, but it’s worth the investment.

July 2023

Artificial Intelligence

In this issue, we (and AI) explored how and when artificial intelligence plays a role in manufacturing today. Whether on the factory floor, or in the front office, AI applications are emerging and changing how we approach planning, processes and problem solving.

June 2023


Sustainability is happening. Your organization either sees it as a cost of doing business, or an opportunity to improve overall business operations. So, how do we embrace this shift? How do we keep up—or ahead—so we don’t get swept to the side?

May 2023

Hiring and Training

Hiring the right employees is always a challenge, especially in today’s business environment where there are fewer technical experts in the candidate pool and a shortage of labor overall. Once you’ve hired someone, how do you get them up to speed quickly?

April 2023

Today’s EMS Landscape

In today's landscape, electronics manufacturing services face some key strategic opportunities to not only grow their businesses but also to advance the industry economically and technologically. The challenge is to collaborate as well as simultaneously compete.

March 2023

The EMS Mindset

In this issue, we deliver a wide-angle view of the industry–a perspective from a somewhat higher altitude–where we look for common areas of thought. Is there a “hive mind” to discover?

February 2023

It’s All About Strategy

Conferences and trade shows are valuable resources. Now that the 2022 trade show season has closed and IPC APEX EXPO 2023 is behind us, it’s time to make a strategic plan from all the pieces of information you’ve gathered for the year ahead.

January 2023

The Impact of Advanced Packaging

New advanced component packaging techniques are moving the boundaries between printed circuit fabrication and semiconductor fabrication. In this issue, we open the discussion about how advanced packaging will change the structure of our industry.

December 2022

IPC APEX EXPO 2023 Preshow Issue

In this issue, we bring you preview information for IPC APEX EXPO 2023. In the spirit of helping to plan your time at this event, consider this issue your roadmap for success before you even cross the threshold onto the show floor at the San Diego Convention Center.

November 2022

Workflow Management

In this issue, we look at just some of the challenges in navigating the maze of workflow management. We look for the new best practices emerging from EMS firms. How does one best protect from parts issues and scheduling changes? How do your new best practices stack up?

October 2022

Your Passport to SMTAI

Along with the exhibition space, SMTA International delivers one of the strongest technical conferences in the electronics manufacturing market. This issue provides you with a detailed pre-show guide for the upcoming event.

September 2022

Seeing the Light

Managing one’s suppliers takes extra work and attention right now, but there are methods and solutions available.  There is light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak.

August 2022

Supply 'Pain' Management

Finding relief from supply 'pain' points should be a mix of both strategic and tactical responses. In this issue, we examine a variety of steps being taken in the industry, from the halls of government to the manufacturing floor—all meant to relieve the pressure and move you forward.

July 2022

Solving Data Security

Data security is now a business imperative. Whether your approach to data security is defensive, evolutionary, or competitive, your timing can either be reactive or proactive. In this issue, we look at data security initiatives and ask, “Can this be accomplished affordably?” 

June 2022

The Point of Collaboration

Whether your goal is to expand capabilities without investing in a new facility, or encouraging customer loyalty through purchasing convenience, or some other reason, the point is that collaboration and partnership can play a pivotal role in achieving your goals.

May 2022

Managing High-Mix Work on the Shop Floor

The requirements for assembly continue to move toward smaller components and higher densities. But what are the challenges that accompany this steady shift? In a series of interviews, articles and columns, we learn what assemblers are really facing.

April 2022

Factory of the Now

Global industry watchdogs are making the point that the Factory of the Future is actually the "Factory of the Now," and that North America is five to 10 years behind in adoption. So, what's it going to take for North America to catch up?

March 2022

State of the Industry

In this issue, we look at the state of the industry: What is being done about the supply chain? Will governments recognize what’s missing? And can the U.S. ever gain back what it once had?  

February 2022

Rising Input Costs

Rising input costs are causing EMS companies to rethink pricing, suppliers and supply chains, labor, and how all those interrelationships function. We report on the current status of increased input costs and explore strategies to help reduce the risk and cost associated with today's marketplace.

January 2022

Cybersecurity and Counterfeiting

Just as with consumer goods, supply chain concerns can easily lead to counterfeiting issues in electronics manufacturing and cybersecurity is equally concerning. This issue contains several articles on cybersecurity, and we discuss counterfeiting challenges.

December 2021

IPC APEX EXPO 2022 Preview

This month, we bring you IPC APEX EXPO 2022 show-related interviews with IPC leadership, how-to information, preshow details, and insight from industry experts. As you pack your bags, your briefcase full of standards documents, and your trade show booths, use this issue to help you plan a successful trip.

November 2021

Test and Inspection

We spoke with test and inspection experts to see exactly what’s going on these days. EMS companies have new options to consider in their inspection practices with the latest technologies and methods, along with AI and advancing data collection.

October 2021

CapEx Planning

Now more than ever, market drivers, technical advances, factory automation and customer demand are pushing assembly capabilities into new territory. With these advancements, comes the need to incorporate new equipment or even new facilities.

September 2021

BOMs and the Supply Chain

This month we’re considering the bill of materials (BOMs) and the unique challenges facing procurement and manufacturing under current conditions. As we explore BOMs and their future role, we discover that the need to control all of the complexity is the impetus to a creative new process.

August 2021

Designer/EMS Communication

In this issue, we help to define some of the communication gaps and needs between electronic manufacturing services (EMS) and PCB designers. Our interviews and articles highlight the tools and methods that help to bridge the gaps in the communication channel.

July 2021


In this issue we look at the key contributing factors that affect reliability challenges on your manufacturing floor. We help you run the gamut from specifications and standards to assembly and testing.

June 2021

Surface Prep and Protection

One key factor to a strong, reliable, successful solder joint is ensuring the right conditioning of the surfaces to be soldered. Then, once the solder joints are in place, protecting those joints from environmental stresses is crucial.

May 2021

IPC Committees

In this important issue, we work to raise the awareness of 3,000 volunteers working IPC committees, and the value they bring to the industry. We bring you status reports from key committees as well as a historical perspective of past achievements.

April 2021

Driving Cost Out of Your Supply Chain

In this issue, we once again take a firm hold on the supply chain. We investigate how to manage the reliability and the quality in your supply chain, question typical thinking and ask what skills your supply chain manager should possess.

March 2021

Smart Processes

In this issue, we explore smart processes in assembly. We look wider and deeper at smart processes by examining the value of a chief process improvement manager (CPIM) in your organization, considering smart and optimized procurement practices, and much more.


February 2021

The Virtual Zone 2021: IPC APEX EXPO and CES

Imagine, if you will, an IPC APEX EXPO without a physical venue. Join your colleagues as we all journey into “The Virtual Zone.” We also include highlights from the recent virtual edition of the CES 2021 show.

January 2021

Continuous Improvement

Continuous improvement not only can improve the targeted process, but often results in additional hidden benefits. In this issue, we launch our year exploring continuous improvement.

December 2020

Hiring and Training

Even in our skilled, technology-heavy industry, some entry-level manufacturing positions seem to turn over as rapidly as the drive wheels of a locomotive. You can, however, stop the churn-and-burn approach and start recruiting young, well-trained employees more likely to stay put.

November 2020

Test & Inspection in the Smart Factory

The role of test and inspection is shifting. But how does the role of test and inspection change?

October 2020

Technology Roadmaps

This month (just in time for strategic planning), we talk roadmaps with those who make them and those who use them.

September 2020


As sure as the sun rises, defects cost you resources. They cascade through the product’s life cycle and can affect your company’s reputation. This month, we ask the question, “What are the best methodologies for maximizing manufacturing reliability?”

August 2020

Inventory Management

If inventory management is still mostly a manual procedure on your shop floor, then there’s an opportunity to reduce labor, increase efficiencies, and improve profit margins. We take stock of the industry protocols, blockchain solutions, and new inventory management hardware and software.

July 2020

Rethinking Manufacturing

During this COVID-19 outbreak, businesses around the world are rethinking their manufacturing and supply chain strategies. In this issue, we bring you ideas, examples, and resources to help you rethink your own business practices. Join us as we consider the process of rethinking manufacturing.

June 2020

Lessons Learned: A Shift in Perspective

Responding to rapid changes in our industry and the demands put on it is a test of leadership and corporate skill sets. This issue looks at how we adapt, respond, and change in order to move forward.

May 2020

Advancements in Soldering Technology

There is more happening in the solder and soldering technology space than one might think. In this issue, we chart the flux and flow of advancements in soldering.

April 2020

Digital Factory Implementation, Part 2

We continue our exploration of implementation details for smart factories with resources and ongoing examples demonstrating that the real innovation in a smart factory comes from your business practices. Don't miss our exclusive in-depth conversation with aviation design superstar Burt Rutan following his IPC APEX EXPO 2020 keynote.

March 2020

Smart Factory Implementation

In part 1 on this subject, while we set out to explore implementation details for smart factory concepts and expected to talk about sensors and protocols it became clear as we dug deeper, that, in the end, the real smart factory innovation involves your business practices.

February 2020

Fine Pitch

While this issue may be about finer pitches in manufacturing and packaging, to successfully manufacture circuit boards in this time of shrinking components and board features, the secret is to ensure success with the solder joints.

January 2020

IPC APEX EXPO 2020 Preview

IPC APEX EXPO celebrates 20 years, which makes the event’s history a 21st-century story. In this issue, you will find the history, the present, and the future of the electronics manufacturing industry.

December 2019

What You Need to Know

No matter your age or experience level, we all need to be continuous learners. In this issue we bring you some of the newest and highest impact topics. Read about insightful industry perspectives.

November 2019

From My Point of View

This month, we embark on a tour of the industry, capturing different perspectives and bringing them to the fore. Sometimes, the best view of an industry or a community is through individual experiences. In this issue, we talk to members of the electronics industry who were willing to share their voices and points of view.

October 2019

The Landscape of the Industry

With so many new and emerging market drivers and influences—from technology to new product applications, environmental and government pressures, and human factors, such as staffing and expertise—the landscape of the industry is undergoing multiple changes.

September 2019

Industry Standards

There are rules, and then there are recommendations; one person’s rule might be another person’s recommendation and vice versa. That is where standards come into play. What are they? What do they mean? How do they get specified? And what are the impacts on our industry?

August 2019

Conformal Coatings

In this issue, we look at how the new manufacturing demands are driving change and innovation in conformal coating products, systems, and technologies.

July 2019

Reliability vs. Failure

It should come as no surprise that solder and solder joints are often at the center of attention in electronics assembly when discussing failures and reliability. Enter “Reliability Man” the hero who must persevere against all the challenges thrown in his path.

June 2019

Streamlining Assembly

Do we really think that we can speed up existing processes? Will faster workers or a new line with more throughput be enough to grow with the increased demand? Or does this new market require thinking about the capacity problem in a completely new way?

May 2019


This issue features extensive in-depth discussions with CMs and assemblers representing a wide range of specialties. Learn how these companies help their clients succeed and grow into #happySMTcustomers.

April 2019

Youth and Technology on the Rise

It's a courageous new world for our industry, the sheer number of new technologies in development will change not only what we build but how we build it. And the brave youth coming up behind us are perfectly willing to make use of these new technologies.

March 2019

Smart Factory Supply Line

We’ve been building automated factories for quite a while. However, the time has come for smart factories in our segment of the electronics industry. In this issue, we explore smart factories, the technologies required, and the shift in thinking that Industry 4.0 and smart factories will bring to our world.

February 2019

Selling Your Services

Survival of the fittest is a maxim in business as well as ecology. In any environment with steadily evolving conditions, success strategies must change to stay on top. This month we look at your selling strategies.

January 2019

Supply Chain in Crisis

Component supplies, prices, and lead times are in a great deal of turmoil due to a sustained increase in demand for parts, pricing pressures on manufacturers, and premature parts obsolescence. All these factors wreak havoc on electronics manufacturing.

December 2018

IPC APEX EXPO 2019 Preview

The electronics manufacturing industry continues to grow and change, and there’s no better place to participate in the excitement than at IPC APEX EXPO 2019. In this issue we preview the show, the new events, exhibitions, new technologies, awards, competitions, and standards work.

November 2018

Medical Electronics: Connected Healthcare

Whether or not you believe this is a golden age for medical devices, there’s no denying that the amount of innovation underway in medical electronics is staggering.

October 2018

CFX: The Foundation of Industry 4.0

The PCB assembly industry is edging closer to the true vision of Industry 4.0. With IPC’s Connected Factory Exchange (CFX) standard—a common machine communications standard for the electronics assembly supply chain—electronics manufacturing is on its way to become even smarter.

September 2018


Internet of Things (IoT), Industry 4.0, artificial intelligence (AI), automation, virtual reality/augmented reality/mixed reality (VR/AR/MR)—and now extended reality (XR)—these are just a few of the trends that are expected to shape the world we are living in today. How will these megatrends impact PCB manufacturing and assembly?

August 2018


To clean or not to clean, that is the question...whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer outrageous field failures or take arms against a sea of particles! Alas, cleaning PCB assemblies raises many pros and cons. This issue of SMT007 Magazine will help you decide whether to clean, or not clean your PCB assemblies.

July 2018

Practicing Best Practices

While it is not set in stone, following best practices helps ensure manufacturing excellence. This month we look at best practices in the PCB assembly industry and how to incorporate them into your own manufacturing environment.

June 2018

Flex Circuit Assembly

Manufacturers are having to navigate critical challenges that rock their boat when faced with assembling flexible printed circuits.

May 2018

5G: Testing the Future Impact

In line with its significant improvement over current generation of wireless technologies, 5G also offers device and systems manufacturers a challenge—electrical and functional testing, among others—as they deal with the technology’s millimeter wave frequencies.

April 2018

Automotive Electronics

A look into the latest developments, challenges, and opportunities in automotive electronics, and why this market continues to drive the overall electronics manufacturing industry.

March 2018

PCBA 4.0

This month, we examine how Industry 4.0 trends and the increasing power of data impact the PCB assembly industry.

February 2018

Communicating with Your Customers

This month’s issue of SMT007 Magazine highlights the challenges between the customer-supplier relationship, the feedback that matters, and how electronics assemblers ensure 100% customer satisfaction.

January 2018

New Equipment

SMT007 Magazine looks into the key considerations when investing in new equipment—not just on who’s got the latest and the greatest, but on how people decide what to buy, when to buy it, and how those decisions are made.

December 2017

Solder Paste Printing

The solder paste printing process accounts for almost 70% of PCB assembly defects. We review the critical factors causing these issues in the solder paste printing operation.

November 2017

Communication for Manufacturing Improvement

This month we look into the issues facing assemblers when dealing with HDI boards, and highlight why close collaboration and communication with the  designers right from the very start will ensure assembly success.

October 2017

The Perfect Solder Joint

There are many perspectives and challenges in creating perfect solder joints. We present parameters and strategies that can help assemblers improve their soldering process to achieve reliable solder joints.

September 2017

Rework & Repair

There are many challenges when it comes to the rework and repair of PCB assemblies. This month, our technical authors highlight the strategies they suggest to improve the process.

August 2017

Assembly Training and Education

This month, we take a look into the importance of workforce training and education on the continuous improvement of the PCB assembly process.

July 2017

Military & Aerospace

In this issue we look into the latest technology trends, new manufacturing challenges, and outlook for the military and aerospace markets, and how they are impacting the PCB assembly industry.

June 2017

The Need for 3D Inspection

This month we look into the myriad challenges in inspection, and highlights the need for newer AOI technologies to improve production yields and ensure reliability.

May 2017

Help Wanted - Growing Your Team

This month, we explore the challenge of finding the right talent in the electronics manufacturing industry.

April 2017

Achieving Soldering Excellence

It is of the utmost importance that the soldering process should be perfect. But soldering is just too complex a process, and further complicating the situation, the requirements and technologies vary between our industry’s market segments.

March 2017

The Wide World of Flex

We take a look into the different challenges that assemblers face when dealing with flex circuits, and highlights strategies to address them in this issue.

February 2017

New Technologies

In this issue we highlight some of the latest technologies aimed at addressing the current manufacturing challenges in the electronics assembly industry.

January 2017

Plating and Surface Finishing

We look into the impact of plating and surface finishing in PCB assemblies in this issue. These processes especially effect solderability and solder joint reliability.

December 2016

Sales and Marketing

In this issue, we look into the challenges for sales and marketing executives in the PCB assembly industry, and the key attributes of a salesperson, and provide effective sales strategies to use to be successful in this industry.

November 2016

The Via Issue

This issue of SMT Magazine looks into the impact of vias on PCB assemblies.

October 2016


In this issue we look into what makes a great leader, and the changing roles of the leader in the PCB assembly industry.

September 2016

Military and Aerospace

In this issue we look into the latest military and aerospace electronics technology trends, manufacturing challenges, and outlook, and how they impact the PCB assembly industry.

August 2016

Voices of the Industry

We take a pause from covering technology trends, challenges, and next-generation solutions this month. Instead, we are focusing on our readers—to give a voice to their thoughts on the industry, companies, jobs, interests, and even pain points.

July 2016

PCBA Test and Inspection

This month, we focus the discussion on test and inspection technologies that help identify PCB assembly defects for the improvement of associated manufacturing processes.

June 2016

Solder Paste Printing: Challenges and Solutions

This month, we address the challenges, best practices, and critical factors to consider in solder paste printing amid tighter tolerances and smaller pitches, lines and spaces.

May 2016

Reducing Handling Errors

This month, SMT Magazine features strategies to help reduce handling errors and improve efficiencies in your assembly lines.

April 2016

Process Engineering

This month, SMT Magazine features strategies for improving process engineering to achieve an efficient, reliable, and reproducible assembly and manufacturing processes.

March 2016

Strategies for Increasing Profit

The March issue features strategies for building the highest yield on the lowest cost possible to provide the greatest value to your customers.

February 2016

What's New?

This issue of SMT Magazine features the latest technology and process developments happening in the SMT, PCB assembly and EMS industries, and what to expect in the future.

January 2016

Medical Electronics

We examined the medical market to learn what impact it has on the electronics industry and where it might be in five years. This issue also covers key trends driving medical electronics and the challenges and opportunities in the industry.

December 2015

Making the Connection: Associations

The spotlight this month is on industry associations, their goals, pivotal roles in technology advancements in EMS and SMT industries, and how they are helping their members on their journey to manufacturing success.

November 2015

THE DATA FACTOR(Y): Looking at the Industrial Internet

This month we explore how the Industrial Internet of Things (IoT), data, and  analytics can help electronics assemblers take their manufacturing processes to the next level.

October 2015

Cycle Time Reduction

In this issue, we offer strategies and technologies that will help electronics assemblers reduce cycle times in their processes to improve their efficiencies and increase their productivity.

September 2015

Cars: The Driving Force in the Electronics Industry

In the "Cars" issue of SMT Magazine we highlight the latest technological advances in automotive electronics and illustrate how this sector is driving the electronics assembly, testing and inspection industries.

August 2015

The War on Process Failure

This month, we take on those pesky process failures—from soldering defects and device cleanliness, to challenges of mission-critical product and the link between head-in-pillow defects and warpage. 

July 2015

Supply Chain Management

This month, SMT Magazine tackles the supply chain—from various approaches to making it work for you, to what history has shown about its many iterations, and how some suppliers are setting the bar very high for the future of supply chain management.

June 2015

Test & Inspection

This month, feature contributors from Keysight Technologies, XJTAG, Göpel and Sonoscan shed light on the trends and challenges of test and inspection.

May 2015

Paste Printing & Component Placement

This month, experts from Flextronics, Ericsson AB, MTEK Consulting AB, and Speedline Technologies contribute to our features focusing on paste printing and component placement. 

April 2015

Soldering Technologies

This month, experts from Indium, Inventec, Vitronics, Micronic Mydata and BEST Inc. weigh in on soldering technologies and solutions, from reliability issues to position accuracy machines and alternatives to polyimide tape, and more!

March 2015

Thermal Management

Industry experts from Indium, Mentor Graphics, and Alpha Circuit are on hand this month to guide us through issues related to thermal management, including latest trends, alternative approaches and streamlining PCB thermal design. 

February 2015

Tin Whiskers

This month, SMT Magazine is jam-packed with feature contributors who take on those pesky tin whiskers, with articles from our expert contributors.

January 2015

Structural Electronics and 3D Printing

It’s a new year, and we’re celebrating by focusing on a new, up-and-coming technology that could have a real effect on our industry: structural electronics.

December 2014

Outlook for 2015

Our year-end issue takes a look forward to 2015, with features from Mentor Graphics, Sanmina, Alpha Circuit and IMI, that discuss the supply chain, SMT advancements and more. 

November 2014

Rework & Repair

This month, experts from OK International / Metcal, Ersa GmbH, and BEST Inc. weigh in on rework & repair topics ranging from challenges for mobile devices to new technology for rework systems and more!

January 2013


The January issue contains an interesting mix of feature articles chosen to help you manage your business.

February 2013

Coating and Cleaning

Coating and Cleaning are the two focuses in this month's edition of SMT. Learn how to make good decisions in this issue.

March 2013

Legislation and Environmental Issues

Our March issue includes several articles on the subject of Legislation and Environmental issues.

April 2013

SMT Assembly Processes Part I: Stencil Printing

SMT Assembly Processes Part I: Stencil Printing. This is the first part of our two-part series on assembly processes.

May 2013

SMT Assembly Processes Part II

SMT Assembly Processes Part II: The Soldering Technology Edition. This is the 2nd part of our two-part series on assembly processes.

June 2013


This month, SMT Magazine features articles by industry experts on high-reliability issues facing a range of sectors: mil/aero, medical, counterfeit components, and more!

July 2013

Thermal Management

The July issue of SMT Magazine is hot! Hot! HOT!

October 2014

Alternatives to Soldering

This month, experts from Lockheed Martin and Verdant Electronics present their perspective on cutting-edge alternatives to soldering. Other contributors include CML EurAsia and Jabil Circuits.

August 2013

High Density Packaging

With packages becoming denser all the time, how does this affect the PCB assembly process? In this issue, our expert contributors explain the ins and outs of high-density packaging.

September 2013

Test & Measurement

This issue features Julie Silk's article "Brittle Failure in Pb-free BGA Solder Joints"

December 2013

Our Columnists Speak

At the end of each year, our contributors look back at the year that was, and make predictions about the upcoming 12 months.

November 2013

Rework, Modification & Repair

No one likes to repair packages. Rework & repair of advanced packages is becoming increasingly complex, not to mention costly. Explore how to repair large area and column grid array assemblies. 

October 2013

Lead-Free Developments

Lead-free Developments: It’s been over seven years since RoHS became the law of the land in Europe but many OEMs & EMS companies still find themselves facing increasing challenges related to lead-free processes.

September 2014


This month, a few of our feature contributors examine the impact of automation on PCB assembly, from quality concerns to cost savings, while others take on the role of robots. Don’t miss this comprehensive coverage of automation for PCB assembly.

August 2014

Printed Electronics Assembly

Printed electronic circuits have been in development for years, but PEC has only recently achieved commercial acceptance. And most technologists have more questions than answers about PEC.

July 2014

Tin Whiskers

This month, our resident SMT experts take on the phenomenon of tin whisker, from a comprehensive breakdown of its formation to risk management. Don’t miss this issue!

June 2014

Thermal Management

SMT Magazine turns up the heat this month with features focused on thermal management from AT&S, Dow Corning and Heraeus Precious Metals.

May 2014

Test & Inspection

Be it X-rays, drop shock performance or tweaking test fixtures to meet today's needs, we've got it covered in this issue...

April 2014

Assembly III

In Part 3 of our assembly process series, SMT Magazine uncovers what happens after the soldering process in an issue devoted to cleaning and coating. 

February 2014


SMT Assembly, Part 1: It might be a short month, but we’re not short on features—contributed by leading industry experts from Shea Engineering Services, Nordson ASYMTEK, DEK, and Universal Instruments Corp.

March 2014

Assembly II

In Part 2 of our assembly process series, we help make the connections! This month, solders, soldering & solderless technology are the focus, with features from Flextronics, the Aerospace Corp., and an IPC APEX EXPO preview!

January 2014


It’s all about reliability this month, with features from Trace Labs, Nihon Superior, Cisco BFK Solutions, Steve Williams, and more!

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