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The Government Circuit: News on Defense Electronics, Europe, and Sustainability

09/17/2024 | Chris Mitchell -- Column: The Government Circuit
September in the United States is the season for back-to-school and football. In the arena of government policy advocacy, it’s the season for election campaigning and wrapping up the work of the current session of Congress. This month, there will be a flurry of efforts in Congress by legislators to complete action on “must-do” legislation, especially spending plans for FY25, which begins Oct. 1. In October, there will be a recess for the home stretch of the campaign; in November and December, there will be one more round of policy action by the “lame duck” office holders before the new U.S. government takes office in January. Now is the time for us to try and get those ducks in a row.

PCB Designers: ‘Level Up’ IC, Packaging Knowledge

09/16/2024 | Andy Shaughnessy, Design007 Magazine
Soo Lan Cheah is kind of a unicorn in the industry. She is an IPC instructor based in Malaysia, and she has years of experience designing integrated circuits and printed circuit boards. I knew I had to get her thoughts for this issue on silicon-to-systems. I asked Soo Lan to discuss her cross-discipline background and what silicon-to-systems means to her.

IPC Releases Newest List of Standards Updates, Revisions

09/16/2024 | IPC Community Editorial Team
Each quarter, IPC releases a list of standards that are new or have been updated. To view a complete list of newly published standards and standards revisions, translations, proposed standards for ballot, final drafts for industry review, working drafts, and project approvals, visit These are the latest releases for Q3 2024.

From Silicon to Systems

09/10/2024 | Andy Shaughnessy, Design007 Magazine
For the past few years, IPC has been championing the term “silicon to systems.” More than a buzzword, it has become a slogan—and even a kind of roadmap—for the organization. The term comes in especially handy when IPC is advocating for this industry in Washington, D.C., often addressing politicians who have little understanding of electronics technology.

The Shaughnessy Report: Silicon to Systems—The Walls Are Coming Down

09/10/2024 | Andy Shaughnessy -- Column: The Shaughnessy Report
Traditionally, most designers of PCBs and ICs have operated in separate silos, unaware of much of what’s happening upstream or downstream. IC designers did their thing, and PCB designers did theirs, and everything worked. Until recently, that is.
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