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I-Connect007 Editor’s Choice: Five Must-Reads for the Week 

06/21/2024 | Marcy LaRont, PCB007 Magazine
He’s back, and in splendid form. Pete’s Starkey’s coverage of the EIPC Summer Conference, which took place June 4-5 at the European Space Centre, The Netherlands, is top notch. Joan Tourné from NextGIn Technologies emphasized that our attention must be focused on the interconnection ability of our PCBs and highlights VeCS as an alternative to the traditional plated-through-hole approach. Finally, Martyn Cauwe of IMEC discusses environmental impact and specifically, the need for a better, parametric approach to quantifying it, something European businesses are being required to do on the regular.

The Critical Role of Materials

06/19/2024 | Marcy LaRont, PCB007 Magazine
Materials and substrates are an ongoing discussion for PCB fabricators today, offering PCB designers and fabricators much more choice than was available two decades ago. When it comes to running a printed circuit board company, material management is a critical piece for operations.

Standard of Excellence: Looking Five Years Into the Future

06/19/2024 | Anaya Vardya -- Column: Standard of Excellence
The future of the PCB industry will be based on technology. As components get smaller, denser, and more complicated, PCB fabrication companies must keep up with their customers’ needs both today and in the future. It is no longer enough to just keep up with our customers’ current needs. We must be prepared to meet their PCB needs three to five years out. We need a complete understanding of where our customers are going and what they will need in the near distant future.

Indium Corporation Expert to Present at High-Temperature Electronics Network Conference

06/18/2024 | Indium Corporation
Indium Corporation Technical Manager for Europe, Africa, and the Middle East Karthik Vijay will deliver a technical presentation at the International Conference and Exhibition on High-Temperature Electronics Network (HiTEN 2024), taking place July 15-17 in Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom.

Traditional Materials, High-Frequency Boards?

06/18/2024 | I-Connect007 Editorial Team
Not long ago, high-frequency and RF boards required specialized laminates, which tend to be costly and difficult to manufacture. But now, high-frequency designers use traditional PCB laminates for certain high-frequency boards. How is this possible? For some insight, we asked Ed Kelley, founder of Four Peaks Innovation and former CTO of Isola, to discuss how traditional materials have improved and what this means to PCB designers and design engineers today.
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