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Beyond Design: Termination Planning

06/24/2024 | Barry Olney -- Column: Beyond Design
The characteristic impedance of a transmission refers to the impedance seen by a driver looking down an infinitely long trace. Interestingly, the characteristic impedance is independent of trace length. It’s a measure of the ratio of inductance to capacitance at any point along the trace. Therefore, while trace length matters for signal propagation delay, it doesn’t directly impact characteristic impedance. When a transmission line is perfectly matched to the driver and load, the signals propagating electromagnetic (EM) energy are totally absorbed by the load. This is the perfect scenario that all electronics designers strive for. However, this is rarely the case, and reflections do occur whenever the impedance of the transmission line changes along its length.

Overconstrain? Underconstrain? Selecting Materials for High-speed Designs

06/06/2024 | Andy Shaughnessy, Design007 Magazine
When selecting materials for a high-speed design, you need to be very familiar with the materials’ electrical characteristics, as well as the requirements of the PCB you’re designing. There are myriad details that need to be considered during the material selection process, and missing one iota can lead to your job being put on hold. We asked Stephen Chavez, principal technical product marketing manager at Siemens, to share his thoughts on material selection for high-speed designs. Steph discusses material constraints, stackups, and the cut-off point when a “traditional” laminate will (and won’t) work for a high-speed board.

Beyond Design: Dielectric Material Selection Guide

05/23/2024 | Barry Olney -- Column: Beyond Design
Materials used for the fabrication of multilayer PCBs absorb high frequencies and reduce edge rates. That loss in the transmission line is a major cause of signal degradation. However, not all of us are designing cutting-edge boards and sometimes we tend to over-specify requirements that can lead to inflated production costs. In this month’s column, I will look at the types of materials commonly used for PCB design and how to select an adequate material to minimize costs.

Material Insight: The Dielectric Constant of PCB Materials

05/17/2024 | Dr. Preeya Kuray -- Column: Material Insight
In the world of PCB design, miniaturization can be achieved by using low dielectric constant (Dk) materials. Low Dk materials can allow for a reduction in thickness while maintaining a given trace width, leading to lower transmission loss and higher density circuitry.

Septentrio Expands UAV Ecosystem for Reliable GNSS Positioning

04/22/2024 | Septentrio
Septentrio, a leader in high-precision GNSS* positioning solutions, is closely working with several major drone solutions providers including 3DR, Holybro, ARK Electronics and Systork, which is resulting in various new products that allow easier prototyping or integration of the mosaic™ GNSS receiver into UAVs.
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