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NASA Space Mission Takes Stock of Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Countries

03/08/2023 | NASA JPL
A NASA Earth-observing satellite has helped researchers track carbon dioxide emissions for more than 100 countries around the world. The pilot project offers a powerful new look at the carbon dioxide being emitted in these countries and how much of it is removed from the atmosphere by forests and other carbon-absorbing “sinks” within their borders.

NASA Space Missions Pinpoint Sources of CO2 Emissions on Earth

01/10/2023 | NASA JPL
A case study involving Europe’s largest coal-fired power plant shows space-based observations can be used to track carbon dioxide emissions – and reductions – at the source.

Preventing De-wetting Defects In Immersion Tin Soldering

01/04/2023 | Britta Schafsteller, Atotech
Immersion tin is well accepted as a high-reliability final finish in the industry. Due to its excellent corrosion resistance, it exhibits major market shares, particularly in the automotive industry. During the soldering process, an intermetallic compound (IMC) is formed between copper and tin. One remaining concern in the industry is the potential impact of the IMC on the solderability of the final finish. In this article, typical failure modes in soldering immersion tin are described and correlated to potential root causes for the defects.

New 2D Superconductor Forms at Higher Temperatures Than Ever Before

04/28/2021 | Jared Sagoff, ANL
New interfacial superconductor has novel properties that raise new fundamental questions and might be useful for quantum information processing or quantum sensing.

New Approach Brings Industry a Step Closer to Transparent Electronics

04/08/2021 | Fleet
A new study could pave the way to revolutionary, transparent electronics. Such see-through devices could potentially be integrated in glass, in flexible displays and in smart contact lenses, bringing to life futuristic devices that seem like the product of science fiction.
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