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The Government Circuit: News on Defense Electronics, Europe, and Sustainability

09/17/2024 | Chris Mitchell -- Column: The Government Circuit
September in the United States is the season for back-to-school and football. In the arena of government policy advocacy, it’s the season for election campaigning and wrapping up the work of the current session of Congress. This month, there will be a flurry of efforts in Congress by legislators to complete action on “must-do” legislation, especially spending plans for FY25, which begins Oct. 1. In October, there will be a recess for the home stretch of the campaign; in November and December, there will be one more round of policy action by the “lame duck” office holders before the new U.S. government takes office in January. Now is the time for us to try and get those ducks in a row.

I-Connect007 Editor’s Choice: Five Must-Reads for the Week 

09/13/2024 | Marcy LaRont, PCB007 Magazine
At the top of my list is “Silicon to Systems,” an interview with technology experts from IPC: Matt Kelly, Devan Iyer, and Kris Moyer. Also, this week, we hear from I-Connect007 Managing Editor Nolan Johnson, who’s been in Mexico for SMTA Guadalajara. Speaking of Mexico, I want to highlight an interview that appeared in IPC Community between Lorena Villanueva and Barjouth Aguilar of Flex, who talk about the importance of sustainability. I wrap up my recommendations with articles about solder printing and wet process control.

A Leader in Sustainability: Talking With Barjouth Aguilar of Flex

09/09/2024 | Lorena Villanueva, IPC Mexico, Director
I first met Barjouth Aguilar in March 2024 at Women's IPC Day in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico, an event organized within the framework of International Women's Day, when she participated in a panel meant to inspire attendants to learn more about the role of women in the electronics industry. Barjouth, a fellow Mexican, has become a woman I admire and respect.

Registration Open for the 2025 WHMA Annual Global Leadership Summit

08/30/2024 | IPC
Registration is now open for the 2025 WHMA Annual Global Leadership Summit, the industry’s only annual executive networking event for the cable and wire harness manufacturing industry including manufacturers, their suppliers, and customers.

Real Time with… THECA 2024: Innovation and Economy in Factory Design Is Just Smart

08/14/2024 | Real Time with... THECA
Smart Factory Design's CEO, Alex Stepinski, provides an update on his work with zero liquid discharge solutions and lower-investment PCB fabrication setups. Both of these solutions, Stepinski argues, now cost less to operate than traditional methods, while providing more capability and sustainability.
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