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One World, One Industry: Mastering Technology Prognostication

09/18/2024 | John Mitchell -- Column: One World, One Industry
Technological road mapping plays a fundamental role in many companies’ innovation strategies. While doing product development and organizational planning in the industry, I found roadmaps to be excellent tools for strategic and future planning. They are a crucial skill in today’s rapidly evolving tech landscape.

Marcy's Musings: Charting the Future

09/17/2024 | Marcy LaRont -- Column: Marcy's Musings
I’m sure we all remember the days when driving somewhere new meant pulling out our handy atlas, or writing down all the specific instructions on how to get there before we left on our trips. Now, modern navigation systems are so sophisticated that they talk you through the process, reroute when you make a wrong turn, and tell you exactly what time you’ll arrive. One of the most beneficial aspects of these maps is hearing your next required move before you get there so you don’t miss a turn or go in the wrong direction. Wouldn’t it be nice if our technology roadmaps did the same, helping prevent missteps and avoid hazards? But deciding where to go and how to get there is completely in our own hands, as is ensuring we actually take the twists and turns we have so carefully laid out in our roadmaps. Therein, I believe, lies the biggest challenge of all.

Technology Roadmaps: September 2024 Issue of PCB007 Magazine

09/16/2024 | I-Connect007 Editorial Team
In this issue of PCB007 Magazine, we discuss technology roadmaps and what they mean for our businesses, providing context to these all-important questions: What is my company’s technology roadmap? Is there anything so epic that it will change my business and/or my industry significantly in the near and distant future? What is driving the changes I will make in my facility? And most importantly, how will I implement this vision and reach the intended destination for my organization?

NextFlex Launches $5.3 Million Funding Opportunity to Strengthen U.S. Electronics Manufacturing and Promote Commercialization of Hybrid Electronics

06/10/2024 | BUSINESS WIRE
NextFlex, the Department of Defense (DoD) sponsored Manufacturing Innovation Institute focused on maturing hybrid electronics, today released Project Call 9.0 (PC 9.0), its latest call for proposals that seek to fund projects that further the development and adoption of hybrid electronics while addressing key challenges in advanced manufacturing. The total PC 9.0 project value is expected to exceed $11M (including NextFlex investment and performer cost-share), bringing the total anticipated investment in advancing hybrid electronics since NextFlex’s formation to $143M.

iNEMI Publishes Four Roadmap Topics

04/04/2024 | iNEMI
The International Electronics Manufacturing Initiative (iNEMI) announces the availability of the first roadmap topics in the new iNEMI Roadmap format. Printed circuit boards, sustainable electronics, smart manufacturing, and mmWave materials and test are now available online.
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