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The Government Circuit: News on Defense Electronics, Europe, and Sustainability

09/17/2024 | Chris Mitchell -- Column: The Government Circuit
September in the United States is the season for back-to-school and football. In the arena of government policy advocacy, it’s the season for election campaigning and wrapping up the work of the current session of Congress. This month, there will be a flurry of efforts in Congress by legislators to complete action on “must-do” legislation, especially spending plans for FY25, which begins Oct. 1. In October, there will be a recess for the home stretch of the campaign; in November and December, there will be one more round of policy action by the “lame duck” office holders before the new U.S. government takes office in January. Now is the time for us to try and get those ducks in a row.

Danish-founded Defense Group Aims for More Responsibility Within Defense Supply Chain

09/09/2024 | CONFIDEE
Under the slogan "Together We Are Stronger," the AS9100 Nordic Consortium unites a powerful network of committed Danish companies, along with one Norwegian partner. This collaboration strives to elevate the defense and aerospace industries through a shared focus on traceability and quality management.

American Made Advocacy: The U.S. Economy Needs Trusted PCBs

08/20/2024 | Shane Whiteside -- Column: American Made Advocacy
As we head into the final days of summer, we find ourselves amid a turbulent political environment. Let’s not get distracted. No matter which party prevails in November, America’s PCB industry needs policies and legislation that bring manufacturing back to our shores. What can we do in this challenging time? We can raise our voices individually and collectively to educate elected officials about the dangers of reliance on foreign suppliers and a lack of domestic manufacturing capacity.

IPC Urges U.S. Congress to Pass Defense Spending Bill to Help Strengthen Electronics Ecosystem

08/05/2024 | IPC
IPC applauds the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee for its vote this week to advance the FY2025 Defense Appropriations Bill, which includes a $500 million increase over the President’s budget request for Defense Production Act investments, including $45 million for Printed Circuit Board investments.

Flex Joins the Reverse Logistics Association

07/19/2024 | Flex
Flex announced it has joined the Reverse Logistics Association (RLA), a member-driven, global trade association for the returns and reverse industry and an authoritative body for reverse logistics best practices. Bringing more than two decades of experience in integrated reverse logistics and circular economy services at scale, Flex joins a community network of top service providers and decision makers from companies globally focused on advancing reverse logistics.
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