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Rohde & Schwarz Joins AI-RAN Alliance and Leverages its T&M Expertise to Unlock Potential of AI for Wireless Communications

06/25/2024 | Rohde & Schwarz
Rohde & Schwarz has become the latest member of the recently formed AI-RAN Alliance. As a global leader in wireless testing, the company will contribute its T&M expertise to this new collaborative initiative, which aims to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into wireless communications to advance radio access network (RAN) performance and mobile networks.

Mek Celebrates Two Years in Prestigious ITEA Project ExplAIn, Supported by EUREKA and EU

06/25/2024 | MEK
Mek (Marantz Electronics), a leading provider of Automatic Optical Inspection solutions, proudly marks two years of participation in the ExplAIn project, an innovative initiative organized by ITEA and supported by EUREKA and the European Union.

I-Connect007 Editor’s Choice: Five Must-Reads for the Week 

06/21/2024 | Marcy LaRont, PCB007 Magazine
He’s back, and in splendid form. Pete’s Starkey’s coverage of the EIPC Summer Conference, which took place June 4-5 at the European Space Centre, The Netherlands, is top notch. Joan Tourné from NextGIn Technologies emphasized that our attention must be focused on the interconnection ability of our PCBs and highlights VeCS as an alternative to the traditional plated-through-hole approach. Finally, Martyn Cauwe of IMEC discusses environmental impact and specifically, the need for a better, parametric approach to quantifying it, something European businesses are being required to do on the regular.

TRI Expands with New Office in Guadalajara, Mexico

06/19/2024 | TRI
Test Research, Inc. (TRI), the leading Test and Inspection systems provider for the electronics manufacturing industry, recently opened a new office in Guadalajara, Mexico, to accommodate the industry's rapid growth.

Manufacturing Industry's Path to Innovation and Efficiency Lies in Exponential IT, Says Info-Tech Research Group

06/18/2024 | Info-Tech Research Group
Facing heightened competition, aging legacy equipment, and significant technical debt, the manufacturing sector is under immense pressure to innovate and modernize its operations, Info-Tech Research Group explains in a new industry resource.
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