SEMI Publishes Recommendations on Outbound Investments in Response to European Economic Security Strategy
July 31, 2024 | SEMIEstimated reading time: 1 minute
SEMI, the industry association serving the global electronics design and manufacturing supply chain, today published recommendations to advance the European semiconductor industry in response to the European Economic Security Strategy . The European Commission has outlined the non-binding roadmap to monitor outward investment transactions with the ultimate goal of preventing technology and know-how leakage in four critical technology areas tied to advanced semiconductor technologies.
The SEMI Europe Recommendations on Outbound Investments outline the association’s position and strongly encourage all policymakers involved to carefully consider the following key recommendations:
- Ensure that European semiconductor companies are as free as possible in their investment decisions to avoid losing their agility and relevance across global markets.
- Adopt a pragmatic risk-based approach to comprehensively assess which outbound transactions related to advanced semiconductor technologies could result in technology leakage for dual-use purposes.
- Provide further clarification on how any potential measures would affect intra-company investments and relations with non-EU subsidiaries, given the international exposure of semiconductor companies.
- Develop an approach to outbound investments that effectively contributes to greater economic security through close consultations between European institutions, Member States , and all relevant industry stakeholders.
- Maximize the synergies and positive feedback effects that the semiconductor supply chain has in increasing competition, cross-border investments and transnational collaboration.
The recommendations emphasize the need for the European Commission to adopt a positive approach to economic security that recognizes the crucial role of cross-border investments for the functioning and prosperity of the European semiconductor industry, in order to guarantee its companies have a high level of agility and market access at the global level.
“Within our industrial ecosystem, outbound investments are regarded by the vast majority of SEMI members as essential to scale production, expand capabilities, access emerging markets, and engage in innovative partnerships,” said Laith Altimime, President of SEMI Europe, underlining the crucial role of cross-border investments for the European semiconductor industry.
SEMI will continue to engage with relevant stakeholders to contribute to the political debate and encourage a legislative framework that can enhance economic security across industrial supply chains while preserving Europe’s technological competitiveness.
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