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It’s Only Common Sense: Hear That? It’s Opportunity Knocking

08/26/2024 | Dan Beaulieu -- Column: It's Only Common Sense
I was reading the Sunday comics the other day when I came across a statement in “Hi and Lois” or maybe it was “Arlo and Janis” — one of those deep philosophical comic strips. One character says to the other, “He’s the kind of guy that when he hears opportunity knocking, he complains about the noise.” I love that. Not only because it’s funny, but because it’s also true.

One World, One Industry: To Thrive, Surround Yourself with Good People

08/08/2024 | John Mitchell -- Column: One World, One Industry
At various times in my career, I have been asked how to be successful or to thrive in business. There are many answers to this question, which differ depending on the situation you find yourself in. Some of the basics I have heard most often include working hard, staying focused on just a few things, always doing the right thing—it will ultimately pay long-term dividends—and many others.

Getting Clear About Certification With Charlie Capers

07/17/2024 | I-Connect007 Editorial Team
Walk through the entrance at Zentech Dallas and you’ll see a wall of certification plaques prominently displayed. Beyond being impressive and a point of pride, these certifications tell a story to potential customers: This company is ready to do business. Charlie Capers, former vice president and general manager, shares his insights on quantifying the ROI of certifications. You may not see it on paper, but it’s definitely there. He also talks about his expectations for new hires and shares a case study about the importance of collaborating with your PCB designers.

New Issue of IPC Community Now Ready for Your Summer Reading Pleasure

07/15/2024 | I-Connect007 Editorial Team
If you’re like most of us in this industry, you have a passion for your work—and it shows. In the new issue of IPC Community, which publishes online today, we feature multiple examples of individuals and companies passionate about their jobs and their work in electronics manufacturing. They truly care about #buildingelectronicsbetter.

Dan’s Biz Bookshelf: 'The Practice: Shipping Creative Work'

06/27/2024 | Dan Beaulieu -- Column: Dan's Biz Bookshelf
As you must know by now, I am an unabashed fan of Seth Godin and an equally unabashed fan of this particular book. Out of all of Seth’s books, and there are a lot of good ones in the 20-plus he has written, this one motivates me the most. I go back to it repeatedly when I’m stuck in the middle of a creative project and I need a good swift kick in the you-know-what to get moving.
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