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A Parametric Approach to the Environmental Impact of PCB Fabrication

09/09/2024 | Maarten Cauwe, imec
Sustainability for electronics is receiving more attention due to environmental concerns, regulatory obligations, and to ensure competitiveness in a growing market for sustainable products. To facilitate the discussion on the environmental impact of electronics, there is a strong need for data on energy use, carbon footprint, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, hazardous chemicals used during manufacturing, waste generation, etc. 

The Pulse: Commonsense Cost Cutting

08/29/2024 | Martyn Gaudion -- Column: The Pulse
One difference between engineering and pure science is that engineers (in most situations) are looking for cost-effectiveness. They do so by designing the most appropriate level of technology to maximize profitability with acceptable levels of application functionality. One area that is often overlooked is the energy cost of PCB production. At a recent EIPC conference, Dr. Maarten Cauwe of IMEC in Belgium presented a combined study of the lifecycle impact (LCI) of electronics systems and subassemblies. The study looked at the supply chain as well as the energy impact of HDIs.

The New Chapter: The Impact of Parasitics on PCB Design

08/28/2024 | Hannah Grace & Paige Fiet -- Column: The New Chapter
There are many considerations when planning and designing a board layout, and factors that include signal integrity, electromagnetic interference, and power integrity must be considered. Newer board designers often forget one factor crucial to a PCB’s performance and reliability, namely board parasitics, which usually refers to an unintended electrical effect in electronic components and interconnections. This can often lead to significant changes in the physical characteristics of the layout of the PCB. Typically, in board design, parasitics look similar to the length of a trace or a wire. Each trace is slightly resistive, slightly inductive, and slightly capacitive. These are commonly known as parasitic capacitance, parasitic inductance, and parasitic resistance.

Real Time with… THECA 2024: State of the Art Copper Adhesion

08/09/2024 | Real Time with... THECA
Bruce Lee, MacDermid Alpha Electronics Solutions, joined Nolan Johnson following his paper presentation on the show's mainstage. Lee provided a detailed overview of the current state of adhesion promoters and discussed the interaction between mechanical adhesion, chemical adhesion, signal integrity, and substrate impacts.

IDC Survey Identifies Three Areas Where GenAI is Expected to Have the Most Impact on an Organization's Competitive Position or Business Models

07/03/2024 | IDC
A recent survey of technology buyers worldwide found that technology decision making, financial and operational systems, and customer engagement, experience, and support are the three business areas where generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) is most likely to impact their organization's future competitive position or business model.
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