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Indium Corporation’s New Type 6 Jetting Solder Paste Hits Market

06/26/2024 | Indium Corporation
Indium Corporation® is pleased to introduce a new jetting solder paste to join its PicoShot® series of products. PicoShot® NC-6M is a no-clean, halogen-free, Type 6 powder-size material specifically formulated to be compatible with Mycronic jetting systems and Mycronic’s “small dot” ejector.

Altair Announces Material Collaboration with HP

06/25/2024 | Altair
The collaboration will help break down traditional barriers to 3D printing adoption and ultimately help customers better design parts for Multi Jet Fusion and Metal Jet printers.

Mustaches and Automation in Flexible PCB Fabrication

06/24/2024 | Chris Clark, Flexible Circuit Technologies
In any manufactured product, whether a house or a flexible circuit, there is always a raw material component in the overall cost. In the flexible circuit, flexible heater, and rigid-flex industry, sheet materials can account for 20–60% of the overall price. Admittedly, this is a very broad range, but factors, such as how common the materials are in the region where they are made, can cause this to swing one way or the other. Your actions as an engineer or sourcing agent have an impact on overall cost, which I’ll illustrate through the example of building a house.

I-Connect007 Editor’s Choice: Five Must-Reads for the Week 

06/21/2024 | Marcy LaRont, PCB007 Magazine
He’s back, and in splendid form. Pete’s Starkey’s coverage of the EIPC Summer Conference, which took place June 4-5 at the European Space Centre, The Netherlands, is top notch. Joan Tourné from NextGIn Technologies emphasized that our attention must be focused on the interconnection ability of our PCBs and highlights VeCS as an alternative to the traditional plated-through-hole approach. Finally, Martyn Cauwe of IMEC discusses environmental impact and specifically, the need for a better, parametric approach to quantifying it, something European businesses are being required to do on the regular.

Day 2: A Full Day at the EIPC Summer Conference

06/19/2024 | Pete Starkey, I-Connect007
Editor's note: This is the third and final report from the EIPC Summer Conference. It was a bright and early start to the second day of the 2024 EIPC Summer Conference at the European Space Centre, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, June 4-5. A short journey by bus from the hotel in Leiden and our security passes from the day before got us through the gate and to our seats in the Newton Room for Session 4, “Material Studies,” moderated by Martyn Gaudion. 
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