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India Large Format Printer Market Grew 2.7% YoY in 1Q24

06/25/2024 | IDC
According to the IDC Worldwide Quarterly Industrial Printer Tracker, a total of 3,422 units of large format printers were shipped in the first quarter of 2024 for India, with an annual growth of 2.7% and a sequential quarterly growth of 10.2%.

Thailand's PC Monitor Market Grew 1.7% YoY, 29.5% QoQ in 1Q24

06/19/2024 | IDC
Thailand's PC monitor market grew 1.7% year-on-year (YoY) and 29.5% quarter-on-quarter (QoQ) at 254,000 units in 1Q24. Consumers’ shipments grew by 13.4% YoY.

Foundry Market Shows Mixed Conditions with Price Adjustments for Specific Chinese Processes and Anticipated Price Increases for Taiwanese Advanced Processes

06/19/2024 | TrendForce
TrendForce reports that mid-year trends such as China’s 618 sales festival, the launch of new smartphones in 2H24, and the anticipated holiday sales season have driven inventory replenishment in the supply chain—positively impacting foundry capacity utilization and signaling a recovery from its operational low point.

Micro LED Chip Market Value Expected to Reach $580 Million by 2028, Focusing on Head-Mounted Devices and Automotive Applications

06/03/2024 | TrendForce
Efforts to reduce the cost of Micro LED chips through size miniaturization are ongoing. Companies like LGE, BOE, and Vistar continue to invest in large display applications, while AUO has been focusing on developing smartwatch products.

MLCC Shipments Expected to Increase by 6.8% in Q2 Thanks to Strong AI Server Demand

05/28/2024 | TrendForce
TrendForce reports that MLCC shipments in 1Q24 are expected to reach a three-quarter low. In the second quarter, demand for AI servers continued to grow steadily, while orders for other consumer electronics have fallen short of expectations due to traditional seasonal demand and preparations for China’s May Day holiday and the 618 shopping festival.
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