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Dan Beeker: Outstanding in his ‘Fields’

09/05/2024 | Andy Shaughnessy, Design007
At PCB East, I met with Dan Beeker, technical director at NXP Semiconductor, and a speaker at the conference. Dan always gives a spirited interview, so I asked him to discuss his class and challenges in the industry today.

I-Connect007 Editor's Choice: Five Must-Reads for the Week

08/30/2024 | Andy Shaughnessy, Design007 Magazine
There’s a lot going on in our industry right now. As you’ll see in today’s must-reads, there’s even innovation taking place in drill bit development. We also have articles on cutting costs during the design process, as well as a handy guide to each country’s tech sweet spots, and what it takes to thrive in this segment. Don’t miss our ode to the CAM department, which is where the rubber meets the road for every PCB. 

Fresh PCB Concepts: The Vital Role of Front-end Engineers

08/29/2024 | Team NCAB -- Column: Fresh PCB Concepts
Front-end engineers are the gatekeepers of factories and a cornerstone of successful fabrication. They are highly valued professionals who could be considered the protectors of our field. They study the details of each PCB that comes into their factories. Many of the boards they work on have not been manufactured before. Others have not been manufactured with their factory’s tools. Since factory engineers are not often in the public eye, many people do not understand the wealth of knowledge they have. The guidance they can offer is invaluable to some PCB designs, therefore, I encourage you to develop a good relationship with the engineers at your favorite supplier.

Fein-Lines: AI, Big Data, and A Lot of Trade Shows

08/15/2024 | Dan Feinberg -- Column: Fein-Lines
There have been so many events and trade shows in the past few months, and with them, many important announcements and demonstrations and processes. Now, it’s debatable whether there are too many trade shows today, but these shows and events do allow companies to showcase their truly remarkable technologies, processes, and devices.

Nolan’s Notes: What It Means to Thrive

08/05/2024 | Nolan Johnson -- Column: Nolan's Notes
Think back to a time in your life when you really felt like you were thriving. What did that feel like? What actions were you taking? How did you get there? What does it mean to thrive? While it is measurable in many ways, thriving is personal and somewhat intangible. It changes meaning from one person to the next. At its core, to thrive is ephemeral, rooted in an organic ideal. All living things, from plants and animals to ecosystems and people, have the ability to thrive.
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