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Intel Takes Next Step Toward Building Scalable Silicon-Based Quantum Processors

05/02/2024 | BUSINESS WIRE
Nature published an Intel research paper, “Probing single electrons across 300-mm spin qubit wafers,” demonstrating state-of-the-art uniformity, fidelity and measurement statistics of spin qubits.

Fujitsu, QuTech Developing Technology for Freezing Electronics to Control Diamond Spin Qubits

02/26/2024 | JCN Newswire
Fujitsu announced a collaboration with QuTech (1) for the development of the world's first cryogenic electronic circuits for controlling diamond-based quantum bits.

Fujitsu Develops Technology to Speed Up Quantum Circuit Computation in Quantum Simulator by 200 Times

02/19/2024 | Fujitsu
Fujitsu announced the development of a novel technique on a quantum simulator that speeds up quantum-classical hybrid algorithms, which have been proposed as a method for the early use of quantum computers, achieving 200 times the computational speed of previous simulations.

DARPA-Funded Research Leads to Quantum Computing Breakthrough

12/08/2023 | DARPA
A team of researchers working on DARPA’s Optimization with Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum devices (ONISQ) program has created the first-ever quantum circuit with logical quantum bits (qubits), a key discovery that could accelerate fault-tolerant quantum computing and revolutionize concepts for designing quantum computer processors.

A New Qubit Platform is Created Atom by Atom

10/09/2023 | IBS
Researchers at the IBS Center for Quantum Nanoscience (QNS) at Ewha Womans University have accomplished a groundbreaking step forward in quantum information science.
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