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It’s Only Common Sense: Training Great Customer Service Reps

09/16/2024 | Dan Beaulieu -- Column: It's Only Common Sense
In building a successful business, you can’t ignore customer service. We all know it, but sometimes we overlook it. You could have the best most cutting-edge technology on the market, and a killer marketing plan, but if your customer service stinks, you’re in trouble. I’ve been in this industry for more years than I’d like to count, and one thing I’ve learned is that customer service isn’t just the front line, it’s the lifeline of any business. That’s why it’s only common sense to invest in training great customer service reps (CSRs).

The Shaughnessy Report: Silicon to Systems—The Walls Are Coming Down

09/10/2024 | Andy Shaughnessy -- Column: The Shaughnessy Report
Traditionally, most designers of PCBs and ICs have operated in separate silos, unaware of much of what’s happening upstream or downstream. IC designers did their thing, and PCB designers did theirs, and everything worked. Until recently, that is.

I-Connect007 Editor’s Choice: Five Must-Reads for the Week

08/23/2024 | Marcy LaRont, PCB007 Magazine
It is the last weekend before the much-celebrated Labor Day holiday, also known as the official end of summer. Though I am not yet ready for pumpkin spice lattes and heinously early Christmas decorations, I do relish the end of the heat. But the heat in our industry is not set to die down anytime soon, nor should it. Just about one month shy of the end of Q3 2024, things are looking positive for many industry members, so let’s make sure to keep the metaphorical pedal to the metal for a strong quarter-end and a great upcoming trade show season.

One World, One Industry: To Thrive, Surround Yourself with Good People

08/08/2024 | John Mitchell -- Column: One World, One Industry
At various times in my career, I have been asked how to be successful or to thrive in business. There are many answers to this question, which differ depending on the situation you find yourself in. Some of the basics I have heard most often include working hard, staying focused on just a few things, always doing the right thing—it will ultimately pay long-term dividends—and many others.

Northrop Grumman’s NG-21 Resupply Mission Successfully Launches to the International Space Station

08/05/2024 | Northrop Grumman
Northrop Grumman Corporation’s Cygnus spacecraft was successfully launched to the International Space Station by SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket from Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida in support of the company’s 21st resupply mission (NG-21) under NASA’s Commercial Resupply Service-2 (CRS-2) contract.
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