Dan Beaulieu

Dan Beaulieu, DB Management

Dan Beaulieu reviews new and classic books on succeeding in business.

Latest Column: Dan’s Biz Bookshelf: 'The Song of Significance: A New Manifesto for Teams'

Dan Feinberg

Dan Feinberg, FeinLine Associates, Inc.

End-user technology and special features on end-user high technology products.

Latest Column: Fein-Lines: CES 2024—A Tech Gadget Lover’s Dream

IPC Education Foundation

IPC Education Foundation, IPC

IPC Education Foundation updates on programs and activities.

Latest Column: Foundations of the Future: Awarding Scholarships and Awards in 2023


Team NCAB, NCAB Group

A variety of field application engineers from NCAB Group's technical team explore fresh PCB concepts.

Latest Column: Fresh PCB Concepts: Understanding Your Export-controlled PCBs

Bob Duke

Bob Duke, American Standard Circuits

Bob offers advice on the most important aspects of global sourcing.

Latest Column: Global Sourcing Spotlight: How Travel Has Enhanced My Life and Work

Dan Beaulieu

Dan Beaulieu, DB Management

This weekly column is focused on helping electronics companies enhance their professional and technical image through sales and marketing, and, of course, common sense.

Latest Column: It’s Only Common Sense: Innovative Sales Strategies for Success

Bob Wettermann

Bob Wettermann, BEST, Inc.

Bob Wettermann looks at the challenges in rework and repair, and provides strategies in addressing them.

Latest Column: Knocking Down the Bone Pile: Package on Package Rework—Skill Required

Ronald C. Lasky

Ronald C. Lasky, Indium Corporation

Continuous improvement and education in SMT assembly.

Latest Column: Maggie Benson’s Journey: The Journey Was Worth It

Nolan Johnson

Nolan Johnson, I-Connect007

Nolan brings 30 years of career experience focused almost entirely on electronics design and manufacturing.

Latest Column: Nolan’s Notes: Plenty to Say About Certification

John Mitchell

John Mitchell, IPC

John will cover issues affecting the entire global electronics industry supply chain.

Latest Column: One World, One Industry: Sustainability Challenges—A Collaborative Approach

Duane Benson

Duane Benson, Positive Edge, LLC

Duane offers tips and tricks for PCB assembly issues.

Latest Column: Powerful Prototypes: Small Computer Modules

Tom Kastner

Tom Kastner, GP Ventures, Ltd.

'Punching Out' is a series of articles on mergers and acquisitions in the PCB and assembly sectors.

Latest Column: Punching Out: Breaking Down Legal Preparations for M&A

Dr. Jennie Hwang

Dr. Jennie Hwang, H-Technologies Group

As an internationally recognized SMT authority, Dr. Hwang offers her perspective on a range of technical and process issues.

Latest Column: SMT Perspectives and Prospects: A Dose of Wisdom

Anaya Vardya

Anaya Vardya, American Standard Circuits

This column strives to make all facets of printed circuit board technology clear and easy to understand.

Latest Column: Standard of Excellence: It Starts With Company Culture

Mehul Davé

Mehul Davé, Linkage Technologies

Mehul's column explores issues surrounding globalization and the electronics supply chain.

Latest Column: The Big Picture: The Shift From China to Southeast Asia

Chris Mitchell

Chris Mitchell, IPC

In this column, IPC VP of Global Government Affairs Chris Mitchell and his team provide news and views on government policies that affect the electronics industry and its supply chain.

Latest Column: The Government Circuit: Driving Resiliency and Economic Security on Both Sides of the Atlantic

Mike Konrad

Mike Konrad, SMTA

In this monthly column, SMTA features conversations with industry experts in an interview format.

Latest Column: The Knowledge Base: The Value of Industry Certifications

Hannah Grace & Paige Fiet

Hannah Grace & Paige Fiet, IPC Emerging Engineers

Two up and coming engineers discuss the bridge between electronics education and the electronics industry.

Latest Column: The New Chapter: I’ve Found My ‘Why’

Steve Williams

Steve Williams, The Right Approach Consulting

A no-nonsense view of manufacturing and management strategies from one of electronic manufacturing's top authorities.

Latest Column: The Right Approach: I Hear the Train A Comin'

Bill Cardoso

Bill Cardoso, Creative Electron

Dr. Cardoso will cover everything related to X-rays from cool historical facts to the latest in technological advancements.

Latest Column: X-Rayted Files: Best Practices in Buying Machines

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