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Global AI Server Demand Surge Expected to Drive 2024 Market Value to US$187 Billion; Represents 65% of Server Market

07/17/2024 | TrendForce
TrendForce’s latest industry report on AI servers reveals that high demand for advanced AI servers from major CSPs and brand clients is expected to continue in 2024. Meanwhile, TSMC, SK hynix, Samsung, and Micron’s gradual production expansion has significantly eased shortages in 2Q24. Consequently, the lead time for NVIDIA’s flagship H100 solution has decreased from the previous 40–50 weeks to less than 16 weeks.

AI Server, AI Notebook Hardware Upgrades Drive Demand for High-Capacitance MLCCs, Boosting Average Supplier Prices

07/11/2024 | TrendForce
The AI hardware boom is in full swing: TrendForce reports that the first half of this year witnessed a robust increase in AI server orders.

Upstream Supply Chain Replenishment and Increased Demand Drive Global Server Shipment Growth by 4–5% in Q3

07/01/2024 | TrendForce
TrendForce reveals that although the overall environment this year has been impacted by AI budget constraints—leading to slower-than-expected growth for general—recent procurement strength for related components such as BMCs and new CPUs indicates an improving trend for new server platforms among OEMs and CSPs.

CSPs to Expand into Edge AI, Driving Average NB DRAM Capacity Growth by at Least 7% in 2025

06/26/2024 | TrendForce
TrendForce has observed that in 2024, major CSPs such as Microsoft, Google, Meta, and AWS will continue to be the primary buyers of high-end AI servers, which are crucial for LLM and AI modeling.

Foxconn Announces Q1 2024 Financial Results

05/14/2024 | Foxconn Electronics
In the January-March quarter revenue hit NT$1.324 trillion, with key profit margins all improving. Earnings per share for the first three months of 2024 reached NT$1.59.
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