Latest News

Researchers Demonstrate 3D Quantum Hall Effect for the First Time
08/16/2019 | Singapore University of Technology and Design
Seeking Illumination
08/16/2019 | Northwestern University
Printing Flattens Polymers, Improving Electrical and Optical Properties
08/15/2019 | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
GW4 Supercomputer Isambard Can Compete with Intel
08/15/2019 | University of Bristol
Supercapacitors Turbocharged by Laxatives
08/15/2019 | University of Bristol

Solar Sailing: Take 2
08/13/2019 | SPIE
Sensor Provides Next-Generation Ice Detection
08/12/2019 | University of British Columbia
Cyborg Organoids Offer Rare View Into Early Stages of Development
08/12/2019 | Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Wearable Motion Sensors Could Save Unborn Babies
08/12/2019 | Stevens Institute of Technology
Scientists Manipulate Brain Cells Using a Smartphone
08/09/2019 | University of Washington
National Security in a Quantum World
08/09/2019 | Imperial College London

Striped Glow Sticks
08/08/2019 | Wiley
A New Concept for Self-Assembling Micromachines
Flat Lenses With a Twist
08/06/2019 | KAUST
Eye-Controlled Soft Lens Paves Way to Soft Human-Machine Interfaces
08/05/2019 | University of California San Diego

Making Robots Sweat With Smart Surfaces That Act as Artificial Skin
08/05/2019 | Eindhoven University of Technology
Learn How the Internet Works
08/02/2019 | Technical University of Munich
Is your Supercomputer Stumped? There May Be a Quantum Solution
08/01/2019 | University of California - Berkeley
Centimeter-Long Snail Robot is Powered with Light
08/01/2019 | Faculty of Physics University of Warsaw
Barn Owls May Hold Key to Navigation and Location
08/01/2019 | Pennsylvania State University
Novel Process for Structuring Quantum Materials
08/01/2019 | Forschungszentrum Jülich
Quantum Light Sources Pave the Way for Optical Circuits
08/01/2019 | Technical University of Munich
Researchers Demonstrate Low Voltage LEDs
08/01/2019 | University of Manchester
Quantum Uncertainty Helps Solve an Old Problem
08/01/2019 | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, München
Successful First Trial for Dizziness Monitoring Device
07/31/2019 | University of East Anglia

Leap Toward Robust Binder-Less Metal Phosphide Electrodes for Li-Ion Batteries
07/31/2019 | Toyohashi University of Technology (TUT)
A Good First Step Toward Nontoxic Solar Cells
07/29/2019 | Washington University in St. Louis
A Computer System That Knows How You Feel
07/29/2019 | University of Colorado Boulder

A High-Performance Battery for Renewable Energy Storage
07/29/2019 | University of Colorado Boulder
US Economy Continues Decent Growth Pace
07/26/2019 | The Conference Board
Taking the Quantum Leap!
07/25/2019 | PNNL

Industry 4.0—The Next Industrial Revolution
07/24/2019 | Transparency Market Research
In the Shoes of a Robot: The Future Approaches
07/24/2019 | Università di Trento
Stretch-Sensing Glove Captures Interactive Hand Poses Accurately
07/24/2019 | Association for Computing Machinery
KIST-Stanford Team Develops New Material for Wearable Devices Able to Restore Conductivity
07/24/2019 | National Research Council of Science & Technology
A Torque on Conventional Magnetic Wisdom
07/23/2019 | University of Illinois College of Engineering
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