Latest News

Neural Networks Take on Quantum Entanglement
01/17/2018 | Joint Quantum Institute
Mysteries a Promising Spintronic Material Revealed
01/17/2018 | University of California, Riverside
CES 2018: Catalyst of Innovation
01/15/2018 | CES 2018

Porsche Design and Huawei Develop AI-driven Mobile Phone
01/12/2018 | Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd
Developing a Secure, Un-Hackable Net
01/12/2018 | University College London
A Major Step Forward in Organic Electronics
01/12/2018 | Linköping University
Breaking Bad Metals With Neutrons
01/12/2018 | Argonne National Laboratory
Nanotube Fibers in a Jiffy
01/11/2018 | Rice University

Going Organic
01/10/2018 | Argonne National Laboratory
What’s the Noise Eating Quantum Bits?
01/10/2018 | Department of Energy, Office of Science
Electronic Pills of the Future
01/09/2018 | ETH Zurich
Researchers Develop World's Smallest Wearable Device
01/09/2018 | McCormick Northwestern Engineering
Rewritable Wires Could Mean No More Obsolete Circuitry
01/09/2018 | U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science

Lab Unlocks Secrets of Nanoscale 3D Printing
01/05/2018 | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
NRL Improves Optical Efficiency in Nanophotonic Devices
01/05/2018 | U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Next-Gen Flexible Robots Move and Heal Like Us
01/05/2018 | University of Colorado Boulder
CEO Confidence Rebounds
01/05/2018 | The Conference Board
Study Boosts Hope for Cheaper Fuel Cells
01/05/2018 | Rice University
Touchy Nanotubes Work Better When Clean
01/05/2018 | Rice University
Killer Robots, Free Will and the Illusion of Control
01/03/2018 | University of Manchester

Single Device Capable of Dual Transistor Operation
01/03/2018 | Indian Institute of Science
Digitization in Motor Vehicle Manufacturing
01/02/2018 | Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
Sensor the Size of a Nitrogen Atom Investigates Hard Drives
01/02/2018 | Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics
Carbon Nanotube as Ultrafast Emitter With Narrow Energy Spread at Optical Frequency
01/02/2018 | National Center for Nanoscience and Technology
Lens Opens New Possibilities in Virtual and Augmented Reality
01/02/2018 | Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Top 10 Most-Read Market News of 2017
12/29/2017 | I-Connect007
Atomically Thin Perovskites Boost for Future Electronics
12/29/2017 | National Institute for Materials Science

Steering Electrical Current With Spinning Light
12/28/2017 | University of Minnesota
Researchers 3D Print Lifelike Artificial Organ Models
12/27/2017 | University of Minnesota
Electronically-Smooth '3D Graphene'
12/26/2017 | ARC Centre of Excellence in Future Low-Energy Electronics Technologies
Shape Separates Substance
12/26/2017 | University of Tokyo

Quantum Coupling
12/22/2017 | University of Tübingen
Escaping Silicon
12/22/2017 | A*STAR
A Shoe-Box-Sized Chemical Detector
12/22/2017 | University of Michigan
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