Latest News

A Flexible Future
02/20/2019 | UNSW Sydney
Artful Fingerprinting
02/18/2019 | Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics

New Gel for Liver Cell Culture on Microchips
02/13/2019 | Linköping University
Taking Diamond Qubits for a Spin
02/13/2019 | U.S. Department of Energy
Quantum Strangeness Gives Rise to New Electronics
02/13/2019 | Arizona State University
What Does It Take to Make a Better Battery?
02/13/2019 | University of Cambridge

New Method Improves Infrared Imaging Performance
02/11/2019 | Northwestern University
Laser Love
02/11/2019 | Duke University

X-Rays Reveal Why Adding a Bit of Salt Improves Perovskite Solar Cells
02/08/2019 | University of California San Diego
Making Homes Smart Could Become Easier
02/08/2019 | University of Waterloo
Controlling Charge Flow by Managing Electron Holes
02/07/2019 | U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science
AI Technology Addresses Parts Accuracy
02/07/2019 | Purdue University
First Dexterous Hand Prosthesis Implanted
Meet the Quantum Fridge
02/06/2019 | CQT

A Reconfigurable Soft Actuator
02/05/2019 | Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Learning Transistor Mimics The Brain
02/05/2019 | Linköping University
Polymer Power Potential
02/05/2019 | A*STAR
Harnessing the Heartbeat to Charge Batteries
02/04/2019 | Dartmouth College

Unmanned Vehicles to Take Quantum Leap
02/01/2019 | University of Queensland
Semiconductor for Making Thin-Film Transistors
01/31/2019 | Dongguk University
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